
Essay On Little Rock Nine

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Who had the most power during the Civil Rights Movement? The leaders or the ordinary people? Both the leaders and the ordinary people needed each other for stopping segregation sfor good and having equal rights. The people and the leaders fought greatly for Civil Rights to create a change. Each needed each other to fight for their rights. SNCC was a group of young protesters that wanted change immediately. John lewis along with Diane Nash and other leaders created a group for non-violent protesting. They made the sit-ins at lunch counters so that African Americans could have equal rights in the diners. After a while many people started joining in the the sit- ins across the states. They may say that the sit-ins only played a small role in the Civil Rights Movement …show more content…

One example would be the freedom riders who were a group of people that wanted to desegregate the buses so blacks and whites could sit together. They went from Washington D.C to the deep south. They risk their lives just to get equal rights on buses. One of the bus was taken down and burned with people inside luckily they survived but they got beaten afterwards. But after months the states prohibited segregated busses, this shows that ordinary people like us can make a change and don't have to depend on leaders. But there are times when ordinary people need leaders for help. The Little Rock Nine wouldn't have desegregated central if Thurgood Marshall did not win the court hearing for Brown Vs The Board Of Education. Thurgood Marshall made the Little Rock Nine integration become true when he won the hearing at the court. This shows how ordinary people need leaders to help them so they can get what they want. They may say that the Little Rock Nine did most of the work but the desegregation would not have happened if Thurgood Marshall had not help them achieve their goal. This shows that at times leaders triumph over the ordinary

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