
Essay On King Gimp

Decent Essays

In the movie “King Gimp”, the most powerful scene was when Dan Keplinger graduates from Towson University and starts crying. This emotional scene shows all of the hardships that he had to go through to get to this lifelong goal. Throughout the movie we were able to see some of these hardships like having to depend on other people to do simple tasks, having his best friend die when he was 12 years old and not being able to find true love. I believe all of these frustrations were building up inside of him and having just accomplished an amazing achievement, he just let all of this emotions poor out. Another reason why I think he started crying after he graduated was that he probably realized that the simple action of graduating college with Cerebral Palsy probably impacted other people’s lives in enormous ways. He probably realized that other students with Cerebral Palsy might view him …show more content…

This quote hit me pretty hard because I never really thought about art as a way to express your feelings and thoughts. Whenever I try to do an art project I just try to follow the directions and it does not really seem that I express myself in the project but now that I think about it, I probably do. This quote also shows his frustration with people interpreting for him because he probably gets frustrated if someone interprets what he is saying wrong or has a hard time understanding him. Later in the movie when Dan is getting ready for college, he started using a speaking device that would say what he typed on the screen. Dan said he hated the device because the voices the machine produced never could show the tone of voice he wanted to use, so it felt like it was not even him talking. I think another reason why he likes art so much, in particular colors, is that he can show his mood just by using a different shade of

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