
Essay On Jury Members

Decent Essays

Jury members play an important role in our American criminal justice system. Many criminal cases never make it to trial because plea agreements are arranged. The cases that do go to a trial are normally serious cases such as first degree murder, manslaughter, etc., which could either put someone in prison for a long time or even invoke the death penalty. Jury members have the ability to determine whether someone lives or dies. If someone has that much ability, it’s important that the jury members are picked wisely. The jury members should be unbiased and there should be diversity within the jury pool. The selection of jury pool has been an issue within the criminal just system, mainly because of the discrimination that takes place. One of the facts about jury discrimination that is largely undisputed is “the all-white jury has been a staple of the American criminal justice system for most of our history” (Delone, Spohin, &Walker, 2012). I agree, that the all-white jury has been a staple of the American criminal justice system for most of our history.
The reason why I agree with that statement is due to …show more content…

It has been slowing trying to change over the years and develop a diverse jury. It’s important that there are mixed jurors so minority defendants can have people of their skin color on their jury. We have seen in many historical trials such as Rodney King and Bernhard Goetz, when there was all-white jurors, it didn’t work in the minorities favor. Cases such as Strauder v. West Virginia helps racial discrimination in jury selection. It makes it so that states cannot pass laws excluding African Americans from jury selection. While jurymandering is an approach designed to have mixed jury members instead of an all-white-jury, it’s up to my generation to make sure history doesn’t repeat itself and we continue to strive for a mix

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