
Essay On Jem's Childhood In To Kill A Mockingbird

Decent Essays

Growing up is the transformation of a child to an adult, not necessarily through appearance, but through how a person comprehends the world. Scout and Jem are on their journey of growing up. Jem is having a troublesome time losing the objects that define him as a child. Scout is also growing up although, less intensely than Jem. “That’s what I thought too he said at last when I was your age”(Lee 304). Jem is experiencing an emotional time. He is battling growing up. Jem has a conversation with Scout, basically saying that he is not a child anymore. He remembers how he used to comprehend situations and is comparing it to how Scout comprehends situations currently. Scout does not fully understand the discussion. Jem is slowly losing and letting go of objects he used to cherish as a child. Scout and her Aunt do not get along. In the past, Scout …show more content…

Scout does not love her Aunt, yet she is willing to act as a “lady” if she can manage. Scout, a tomboy, has never done this before. Scout is clearly growing up if she is willing to act properly, without any sort of fighting. Scout has a great deal of growing up to do, however she is off to a pretty good start. Jem has shed his first man tear. He is growing up and slowly leaving the rest of his childhood behind. This is proof of Jem growing up. “When we went in the house I saw he had been crying; his face was dirty in the right places, but I thought it odd that I had not heard him”(Lee 84). Scout had seen the left over tears on Jem's face, although there had been no noise of crying. This means he “man cried”. Jem had just released what was left of his childhood, as a result, he is grieving his loss. Jem was reluctant to release the rest of his childhood. He wanted to hold on what was left forever. Jem and Scout are growing up together. They are not children anymore. Scout realizes there are occasions where she must act properly, while Jem is releasing all that is

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