
Essay On Iron Jawed Angels

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Iron Jawed Angels While watching the movie Iron Jawed Angels produced by Akatja Von Garnier, I experienced many emotions. I felt that this movie was incredibly moving and eye-opening. Some of the obstacles faced by the women in the film that particularly stood out, I will discuss throughout my response paper. The main obstacle the women faced was not having the right to vote. This was something Alice Paul and the rest of the suffragists fought so strongly for throughout the entire film. Women fighting for their right to vote meant standing outside of the White House picketing in any type of weather, being degraded by most men (including those who were in power), being spit on, and being abused mentally and physically. Standing up for the rights of women to most were seen as a joke and even women looked at Alice Paul as if she was crazy. What I see as crazy is the fact that the right for women to vote was ever questioned? It is still a mind-boggling piece of history, but is every influential. What surprised me the most was how Alice and her friends were treated while being retained for 60 days. The way they were pushed, forced fed, unable to see family or friends, denied by the …show more content…

She made a huge impact in the movie, as well. A lot of people thought highly of her husband (of course), so when people were finding out that she was making donations toward the National Women’s Party, her husband was very objective. He believed that she was putting shame on his name and discontinued her account so that she was unable to donate any more money. That didn’t stop her, she continued with attending the suffrage trial which he also, disagreed with. I wonder how it would feel for your own husband to not support you for fighting for your right to vote? What her husband made clear to her was that he could take the children from her without any issues and that she wouldn’t even have the money for an

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