
Essay On Inmate Co-Payment System

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Around the country, the criminal justice system holds more than 2.3 million people behind bars. Even though having committed an offense, these people should be treated humanely. Although they do not possess all constitutional rights of citizens, they are granted some. The Eighth Amendment in the Constitution states, “Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishment inflicted.” Any prisoner has a right to attain access to proper medical services while serving their sentence in jail, a right American citizens are normally not guaranteed with. However, the health care provided in prisons today can for various reasons barely be considered adequate, considering the poor conditions inmates receive …show more content…

The problem with privatization is that the company profits and benefits from the more people incarcerated. Although private prisons do save money, many concerns have been voiced regarding their levels of safety and effectiveness at cutting costs compared to prisons run by the government. In reality, private prisons are deteriorating the conditions of prison health care because they are willing to go to extreme lengths in efforts to save money, which in the end only benefits them. The inmate co-payment system has been implemented to reduce “the amount of doctors’ hours, supplies, and visits to an already overloaded service provider since co-payment systems serve as a rationing device” (Wallace 281). The problem with the co-payment system arises in the inmates’ future because the inmate at times is released from prison only to encounter a medical bill of debt issued from the prison itself, which causes the inmate to struggle financially and not be able to afford medical care in the real world. This leads to a sick population of inmates released from prison who cannot afford medical care on their own, which then falls into the responsibility of the government to provide Medicaid for them, causing the government to spend money on inmates that could have been prevented in

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