
Hyperosmolar State Essay

Decent Essays

Hyperglycemic Hyperosmolar State

Hyperglycemic hyperosmolar state is a serious condition in which you experience an extreme increase in your blood sugar (glucose) level. This makes your body become extremely dehydrated, which can be life-threatening. This condition occurs most often in people who have type 2 diabetes (type 2 diabetes mellitus), but it can happen in people who do not have diabetes.
Certain hormones (insulin and glucagon) control the level of glucose in the blood. Insulin lowers blood glucose, and glucagon increases blood glucose. Hyperglycemia can result from having too little insulin in the bloodstream, or from the body not responding normally to insulin. Normally, the body gets rid of excess glucose through urine. If you …show more content…

• Complex carbohydrates.
• Fresh fruits and vegetables.
• Low-fat dairy products.
• Healthy fats.
• Drink enough fluid to keep your urine clear or pale yellow.
If You Have Diabetes:
• Make sure you know the early signs and symptoms of hyperglycemia.
• Follow your diabetes management plan, as told by your health care provider. Make sure you:
• Take your medicines as directed.
• Follow your exercise plan.
• Follow your meal plan. Eat on time, and do not skip meals.
• Check your blood glucose as often as directed. Make sure to check your blood glucose before and after exercise. If you exercise longer or in a different way than usual, check your blood glucose more often.
• Follow your sick day plan whenever you cannot eat or drink normally. Make this plan in advance with your health care provider.
• Share your diabetes management plan with people in your workplace, school, and household.
• Check your urine for ketones when you are ill and as told by your health care provider.
• Carry a medical alert card or wear medical alert jewelry.

• You cannot eat or drink without throwing up.
• You develop a fever.

• You develop symptoms of hyperglycemic hyperosmolar

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