
Essay On Hispanic Culture And Education

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Hispanic Culture and Education
Every classroom in America is made up of multiple cultures with many different believes; however, regardless of culture or beliefs all students should receive the best education possible without losing their identities while in the process. Culture is a way of life of a group. Culture and learning are connected in significant ways and for this reason having an understanding of different cultures and learning processes should provide an outline for instructional decisions (Guild, 2001). The first step a teacher must take is to gain an understanding of each child culture. This paper will examine the Hispanic culture, discuss how a teacher could build global awareness and understanding, and incorporate diverse social and cultural views to create innovative methods to solving problems in his or her classroom.
Hispanic culture
According to the National Education Association (NEA), the Hispanic culture is one of the fastest growing culture groups in America (2016). “There are 41.8 million Hispanics in America, representing 14.2 percent of the U.S. population, with estimates for growth to nearly 20 percent by the year 2050” (NEA, 2016.papa.1). The Hispanic culture believes that their family is a very …show more content…

“Hispanics in general have a strong work ethic and are willing to work hard and long to provide for their families” (Allison & Bencomo, 2015. p.58). Therefore, encouraging traditional morals and teaching children about the history of the culture is of great importance in Hispanic families (Allison & Bencomo, 2015. p.59). “Spanish is the primary language spoken in Hispanic immigrant families” (Allison & Bencomo, 2015. p. 59); however, English speaking family members will help with translation and communication when

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