
Essay On Help Desk

Decent Essays

Over the past year, you’ve continued to demonstrate / prove / show that you are an exceptionally effective Viz Producer/Manager. You oversaw the successful launch of the new insert package for college football, NFL, Postseason MLB, NHL, NBA and college hoops. The insert project is one of the most, if not the most, challenging project we do, and you handled it with expertise. All the while, you continued to oversee and maintain Super Bowl LI, NASCAR, golf, NFL, step-in to cover for other Viz producers when needed and test new software applications.
Your work on the new insert highlights your skill in breaking down a project and organizing its components which made a very daunting/formidable project more manageable and gave the team a …show more content…

You continually searching for ways to improve how we do things in the bullpen and out at the remotes. We look to you when implementing new application / software like CG Link.

In the coming year, I would love to see you take a more mentoring role where you can develop your management skills. This includes help develop / advance/ foster the Help Desk, help strengthen and grow the team’s knowledge base, keeping in mind / understanding that not everyone has the same skill set and sometimes this means finding creative / supportive ways to create an approachable collaborative environment. We need to work with what we have, not ignore weaknesses and focus on strengths, but to find ways to shore up the shortcoming. Develop your management skills, find creative ways to open to listening even the most inexperienced may have ideas to contribute / incorporate
You may work with people who are not as skilled as you would hope, but then the challenge is to come up with creative ways to become an effective mentor / manager who is looked to for guidance and approachable while at the same time maintaining a boundary where you are not pulled into doing the work. It’s a difficult balance. In these situations, where other people are learning from you, it’s important to be patient, allow people to learn at their own

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