
Essay On Hawaii Annexation

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Hawaii’s annexation, was it legal and fair to the natives of the island? The proposal that Hawaii reached Statehood by a ‘just’ manner has been inaccurate and presents a false interpretation of the facts. Though seized through the era of imperialism, Hawaii remained as one of the few territories unclaimed and consequently was seized swiftly. The eventual statehood of Hawaii was produced with wrongful acts because of imperial greed. The annexation of Hawaii is an unjust act because of the circumstances surrounding the illegal annexation, clear wishes of the natives, and unlawful gain of territory.
The circumstances surrounding the annexation of Hawaii are often left unsaid and remain unknown by citizens of the United States. Hawaii was first annexed into the United States of America in 1898 after white settlers refused to give up control of the Hawaiian government. However, previously President Cleveland opposed annexation and retracted the annexation treated proposed to the Senate. Cleveland supported a restoration of the Hawaiian monarchy and used his administration to oppose annexation. He used James Blount to discover the views of the Hawaiian natives on annexation, …show more content…

unlawfully gained Hawaii as a territory due to one major contributing factor, the Spanish-American War. High tensions and treaties failing, the U.S. sought to use Hawaii as a strategic gain on Spanish, by creating a strong military base in the Pacific. “Advocates argued that Hawaii was needed to support American soldiers in the Philippines“(Moss 18). It is required for the people of the native land to consent to being annexed into a country by Joint Resolution, but nevertheless, the appropriate procedures were ignored. These procedures were not met because of the potential economic, strategic, and imperial gain. After illegally annexing Hawaii by Joint Resolution and violating the U.S. Constitution, Hawaii ultimately became a controlled point in the U.S.’s stride for imperialism

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