
Essay On Hand-Engineered Feature Extraction Techniques

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2.1 Introduction
In last few years, remote sensing image scene classification has got a remarkable attention due to its importance. Researchers are trying hard to classify remote sensing images correctly. For this reason, we have studied different topics related to this research. Rest of this chapter will describe some important Hand-Engineered feature extraction methods along with deep learning technique. In section 2.2, we will discuss some hand-engineered feature extraction methods, in section 2.3, we will discuss some deep learning models and finally, in section 2.4 we will draw a conclusion.
2.2 Hand-Engineered Feature Extraction Method
Feature plays a very important role in the area of image processing. Different feature extraction …show more content…

LBP [1] is very simple to understand and easy to implement. To compute LBP at first we need to divide the image into cells like 16X16. Then take a pixel into the grid and consider the neighboring pixels around the pixel. If the center pixel value is greater than or equal to its neighbor, then consider 1 for the neighboring pixel otherwise consider 0. Then take the binary numbers in a sequence (clockwise or anti- clockwise). Assume the number is a binary number and compute the decimal number. Then set the value to the middle pixel. Compute histogram for each 16x16 cells and finally concatenate the histograms. The histogram gives the feature vector for entire window. Example of LBP feature extraction is given in the Figure 2.1

Figure 2.1: Finding decimal value for central pixel using LBP

LBP has some limitations that reduces its application fields. LBP is not rotation invariant and the size of the features increases exponentially with the number of neighbors which leads to an increase of computational complexity in terms of time and space.
2.2.1 Noise Adaptive Binary Pattern (NABP)
Noise adaptive binary pattern [12] is a modification of local binary pattern. Though LPB is one of the most powerful method for feature extraction but it has a lack of discriminative power and sensitive to noise. LBP may produce same

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