Having the ability and desire to change in today’s every changing culture is a necessity for an organization in order for it to succeed (Kotter & Cohen, 2002). Change can occur on a large scale such as a complete makeover or it can be on a small scale such as employees within the organization. In this paper we will discuss a change initiative within the organization of the Grinnell Regional Medical Center (GRMC). The GRMC is a health care center that offers both acute inpatient care and outpatient care services in rural central Iowa. At the GRMC clinics, there is need for a closed-loop referral communications to occur between the primary care provider and the specialist provider. Currently, the primary care provider will refer a patient to …show more content…
Marvelous people making a difference through quality care and service excellence every day.
Commitment to promoting wellness, restoring health and enhancing the quality of life for all we serve” (Grinnell Regional Medical Center [GRMC], n.d., para. 1).
In healthcare there are multiple stakeholders who can influence changes to occur within an organization. These stakeholders can be either external or internal in nature (Parry, Kirsch, Carey, & Shaw, 2014). The major external stakeholders that influence GRMC include the government, health insurance companies, the community, non-governmental agencies; while internal stakeholders would be the leadership team and the employees. The government is responsible for creating the rules and regulations that the organization must follow to ensure that patients receive safe care while at GRMC. The health insurance companies determine what services are covered for their participants and how much they are willing to pay the organization for said services. The community is composed of the individuals that live in or in the surrounding area of the hospital, they are the drivers of which services need to be offered by the organization. Other non-governmental agencies, such as Mid-Iowa Community Action (MICA), are non-profit or volunteer organizations that have specialized programs that the hospital is able to utilize to effectively and efficiently provide care and services to patients in the
Our Mission Statement: “To promote, protect and assure the health and wellness of the youth of Metro Atlanta through health promotion.”
“To improve the health of our community and to deliver effective and efficient healthcare in which our patients and users feel cared for, safe and confident.” Annual Plan 2013/14
This article gave us information on Healthy People 2020, which was launched on December 2, 2010 by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. The article states that Healthy People 2020 is a strategic approach by the federal government, states, communities, and many other public and private partners to improve the health of the US population. This plans states that improvement will be completed over a ten-year time span. The Healthy People strategy was designed to define and promote a common sense of purpose and goals. These goals include: attaining a longer high quality live free of preventable disease, disability, injury, and premature death, achieving health equity, eliminating disparities, and improving the health of all groups,
Change is a hard concept for most, but change in the hospital setting can be beneficial for both staff and patients. According to Mclean (2011), “Every change begins with an ending” (p.79). How people respond to change can make the process easy or hard depending on how the change is presented.
Mission statement: Our mission is to help people live healthier lives and to help make the health system work better for everyone.
As Executive Director, I will provide staff leadership for Better Health Association. Our goal for the company is to improve the well-being of individuals. Audiences of all ages will be able to take part in learning about living a healthy lifestyle and developing the skills needed to make healthy choices to prevent diseases and ameliorate conditions for those already afflicted with illnesses. Over the course of the following year, it is my responsibility to develop and lead the staff, management structure, dedicated to achieving the mission for Better Health Care Organization. I plan to make significant changes to our organization, to help guide individuals in Central Ohio, to living a better and healthier lifestyle. My goal is to empower the staff with the training needed to meet our company’s standards.
As Executive Director, I will provide staff leadership for Better Health Association. Our goal for the company is to improve the well-being of individuals. Audiences of all ages will be able to take part in learning about living a healthy lifestyle and developing the skills needed to make healthy choices to prevent diseases and ameliorate conditions for those already afflicted with illnesses. Over the course of the next year, It is my responsibility to develop and lead the staff, management structure, dedicated to achieving the mission for Better Health Care Organization. I plan to make significant changes to our organization, to help guide individuals in Central Ohio, to living a better and healthier lifestyle. My goal is to empower the staff with the training needed to meet our company’s standards.
Over the last one hundred years there has been a great change in the way nurses, doctors, and others in the medical field, as well as the general public, have come to view health and wellness. Where once health was thought to only be comprised of our physical body and the physical things that affect it, we now know that health encompasses so much more. We know that who we are is made up not only of the physical body, but also of mind, and spirit (Koerner, 2011), and that this not only affects each of us individually but also those
In order to improve healthcare nationally and cut cost spending, preventative care and wellness should be at the fore front of every healthcare organization. Recommendations to emphasize preventative and wellness services include building a workplace that support healthy lifestyles, expand the roles of advanced providers, and expand preventative services at no cost.
West Florida Regional Medical Center (WFRMC) located on the north side of Pensacola, Florida competed strongly with sacred heart and Baptist hospitals for patients. WFRMC’s CEO John Kausch was an active member of the Total Quality Council of the Pensacola Area Chamber of Commerce (PATQC) (McLaughlin, C.P., Johnson, J.K., & Sollecito, 2012).. PATQC’s vision was to develop the Pensacola, Florida area into a total quality community by promoting productivity, quality and economic developments in all area organizations both public and private (McLaughlin, et, al., 2012). John
Health care providers can overcome differing points of view regarding health promotion and disease prevention by creating a learning environment built on mutual trust, respect and acceptance. The goal is to provide education that is built upon the individual or group strengths that empower and engage the group/individual to be an active participant. It should encourage decision-making that positively affects lifestyle and health behavior changes.
Mission Statement: We promise to be vigilant in our efforts to provide quality healthcare services to individuals in the Central Florida community who are uninsured by promoting healthy living, creating a compassionate atmosphere, and developing other opportunities for more advanced access to care. We are committed to this idea and we are determined to fulfill the need for basic health care to the individuals that need it in the Central Florida area.
In the city of Sierra Vista, AZ a beautiful new hospital stands on the eastern outskirts. A new building is like a new beginning, a fresh start for all. However, with newness comes concerns that change to problems or opportunities. Furthermore, past tendencies and or problems with existing employees, turnover, and lack of quality leadership do not go away with a new building. The need for change in the Canyon Vista Medical Center (CVMC) rehabilitation department is apparent, but unless the change is made in an appropriate manner, the change would be short lived and turn out to hurt the rehabilitation center at the hospital. The need for specific human process and human resource interventions will lead to the necessary changes to help the
Since 1980, the United States has taken on 10-year plans that outline certain key national health objectives set to be accomplished during a 10-year timeframe (Shi & Singh, 2015). These initiatives are founded on medical care with prevention services, health promotion, education, community health care, and increased access to integrated services. The initiative, Healthy People 2010: Healthy People in Healthy Communities, launched in 2000. The initiative emphasizes the role of community partners such as
Our mission is to provide great healthcare and clinical services that promote the health and safety of our community. We are patient centered with a focus on prevention. Through efficient use of office staff and medical technology, we are able to offer exceptionally accessible and personal care in a comfortable atmosphere. We are here to serve you and your entire family from infants, toddlers, school-age children, teens, young adults, pregnant women, and adults.