English is widely known as an international language. One of its functions is as a means of communication among people from different countries. By learning English, people can communicate with people whose different native language from themselves. In order to master English, people need to learn four language skills, they are listening, speaking, reading, and writing.
The first language skill human acquired is listening. People learn to listen by listening to their surroundings. Through listening, they recognize sounds and differentiate their meanings. After people are able to listen, they start to learn to speak. They learn to speak by imitating the sounds they have heard. The next skill human acquired is reading. People start to learn
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(2) to grow the awareness of nature and the importance of English in order to improve our nation competitive ability in a global society.
(3) to develop students' comprehension of the language and culture interrelation (p.126).
One of the purposes above asks the students to develop their competency in communication both in the oral and written form. The communication skill is obtained through the development of the four language skills, namely listening, speaking, reading, and writing. These four language skills need to be practiced frequently in order to attain the purpose of the curriculum. However, as stated by Harrys and Valette (2003) "Of the four language skills, writing may be considered the most sophisticated". In line with Harrys and Valette, Richards and Renandya (2002) stated that:
There is no doubt that writing is the most difficult skill for L2 learners to master. The difficulty lies not only in generating and organizing ideas but also in translating these ideas into readable text. The skills involved in writing are highly complex. L2 writers have to pay attention to higher level skills of planning and organizing as well as lower level skills of spelling, punctuation, word choice, and so on. (p.
I obtained a very broad variety of Language Arts skills in my English 101 class. Upon starting this class, I assumed that this would simply be a class to get everyone at Highline College, a diverse college with many people who have English as their second language, the ability to write structured essays about what they’ve read. Although this class certainly did do that, it also did much more to increase students’ language arts abilities. I learned that despite writing normally being a solitary activity, someone generally writes to participate in academic conversation. Moreover, to participate in the academic conversation, they need to be able to read analytically, connect their ideas in a way that would make sense to others, and relate
With language we also go through a process of thought but in this case we try to explain this process. This basically consists of human communication and we, as humans, have developed multiple ways in to do so. For instance we can communicate by writing or speaking. Having said that we must have first acquired a language, our mother language, which
English language is one of the most important and official languages in many countries. English language has many purposes and can be used in many different ways. It can be used in person communication; people use it as a language to understand and communicate between each other. Business communication; business men and workers use English language to expand their work, get more opportunities, build and improve international relationships, help their company to succeed, communicate to trust the colleagues and clients. Entertainment communication; a huge number of famous people usually communicate by using the English language. A huge number of top movies, music and books and published and produced in English. People use dictionaries to understand
The four skills can also be grouped another way. Listening and reading are receptive skills since learners need to process and understand language being communicated to them in spoken or written form. Speaking and writing are known as productive skills since learners need to produce language to communicate their ideas in either speech or text.
Nowadays, English is important for everyone, English had been taught in every school, starting from elementary school until the University level. English has become the global language and the primary method of communication for the people of the world in fact it is now common for English to be referred to as International or even Global English. English learning is very important for the students, because if they can mastery English it means they have been use English in orally and in written form. Speaking is one of the basic skill in English. According to Clark (1977:233) speaking is fundamental act. Other than that, Widdowson (1984:58) states that speaking is the active or productive skill. In speaking, the students should master the elements
Oral language skills are the foundation of a student’s learning that is acquired naturally and if these skills are not strong there can be complications further down the track with their reading and writing. Although oral language is not the only means for communication it does help with the ability to produce meaningful speech. Initially language originated as a
First of all, mastering English help us to face the problem of globalization. Nowadays, we need to compete with the people around the world due to the widespread of
English is the business and finance language, medium of social networking sites, the language of travel and speaking English denotes a certain social status. It destroys the barriers of miscommunication between two or more people who has different mother tongues. It helps the development of communication skills of every single person who knows the language even they have different culture. The different leaders in the world can communicate to each other because of English. That is why it is known as the global lingua franca because this language was known to connect people from different sides of the world. It is a catalyst for change because it affects the way people interacts with each other all over the world. It is the tool for understanding, development and
In general, English language is one of the pioneer languages in the world; we can see the importance of this language and the impact to the user itself. English is consider as common communication language that been used in every aspects of life. Hence, learning English is very important to all individuals out there in order to maintain the connections with each other.
Learning a language is one of the most difficult skills that a human can ever learn. Yet, it is also one of the most critical skills that everyone must develop to properly live in a civilized society. Learning a second language such as English is no different, except that it is for the great benefit of having the opportunity to be eligible for many more jobs inside and outside the birth country. Naturally, it is why developing English skills is the landmark goal that majority of people want to strive for. In my experience of developing my English skills, there are many things that I encounter as part of my development. The aspects throughout my English skill’s development include how I developed the skills, the big hurdles hindering my mastery,
The article lists four reasons why English is important the first reason is that even
Writing is one of the basic skills in the process of acquiring EFL. Also, it is a productive skill. It is considered the most difficult skill among the four basic skills. Writing was considered an effective tool to communicate with others by expressing thoughts,
Finally, for tourism and traveling to the most beautiful countries, one is in extreme need for learning English. For example, once I was traveling for Spain, I didn`t know anything about the best places to visit or how to approach people but English eased my way. Also, for Immigration purposes , people have to study the history of the country they intended to immigrate to .That`s why English is a top priority.
In teaching and learning English, there are two aspects that should be concerned. The first one is the language skills such as speaking, listening, reading, and writing. The second one is the language components such as vocabulary, and grammar. These two aspects are taught in order to make the students achieve the ability in communicating both in spoken and written forms.
English is an international language which has been received by countries all over the word. As an international language, English is used to communicate in business meeting or other activities among government over the world, chiefly in science and technology. In line with the more sophisticated world, people are demanded to be able to communicate not only by using mother tongue but also by using foreign languages. Nowadays English already be one of the most important languages.