
Essay On Employment

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Despite the fact that there are several Federal, State, and Local laws regarding hiring or firing somebody from a business, I truly believe that without the required interference from the government in this matter, business owners would not only take advantage from their employees, but they will also be able to incur in many violations of their employees’ rights.
Furthermore, according to the U.S Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, “Discriminatory treatment based on: race, color, sex, religion, national origin, age, disability, genetic information, or the employee's opposition job discrimination or participation in an investigation or complaint proceeding, violates federal laws and has become an increasingly problematic source of …show more content…

Therefore, the real question in this matter is how could the government enhance its interference with business in order to ensure the image of our society? Rather than asking why should we let the government interfere with the decisions taken by an employer since it is more than clear that without letting the government stands in the business owner’s decisions, this country would definitely not be what it is or stands for nowadays.
Additionally, if we take a look at some of the third world countries, which are still in the process of an economic development, we find that due to the lack of proper government interference, there are still having several impediments that could help them substantially in order to achieve greater employment opportunities for each and every of their citizens such as, for example; the lack of women’s economic opportunities in the Middle East, as well as the barriers and restrictions that women encounter on gender-based job in Asia, in which are frequently confining them to low-paying activities, more often than not in the informal sector (Gonzalez, 2015). As a result, due to the improper interference of their governments in the subject matter, certainly, a nation’s success is left behind and will eventually lack proper growth.
Nonetheless, in the process of firing employees, I absolutely agree that thanks to the government’s regulations and its intervention, a business

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