
Essay On Elizabeth Barrett Browning

Decent Essays

Elizabeth Barrett Browning, an eminent poet of the Victorian era, suffered through a lung illness and a spinal chord injury that lasted in her being ill for most of her life. For this reason, she was living as an invalid for about seven years and during this time; she wrote a poem called A Dead Rose. This poem was written in order to present an aspect of her life and one of the struggles she had to suffer through in her lifetime. The speaker of this poem is Elizabeth herself, as it is about her personal life and she is expressing how she felt as she was living as an invalid. The title, A Dead Rose, has a very sorrowful temperament and is symbolism for something lost. The rose is used to represent her life while she was sick, emphasising …show more content…

People complain constantly about having an out-dated model of a car or phone when they should just be grateful they have these things in the first place. When they wish for something they don’t have, nothing will ever be enough, but if they think about the things they do have, they realise how fortunate they are. People get in life-altering accidents everyday. Take the Boston bombing marathon for example, most of the participants had no idea that their lives were going to change forever. When one takes something for granted, they don’t worry or think about it because they assume they will always have it. Some of these people will never have the ability to walk again, something people like us take for granted on a daily basis. This lyric, “What you need to do is be thankful, For the life you got, you know what I'm sayin? Stop lookin' at what you ain't got, And start being thankful for what you do got,” in the song Live Your Life by T.I and Rihanna, express that the modern day still has this view of wanting what they don't have and not being appreciative of what they do have. Basically, the song is about living your life to the fullest, regardless of anyone that will bring them down, as the same as what is expressed in the poem, A Dead

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