
Essay On Dream Act

Decent Essays

Suppose you, an immigrant, have lived in your home for more than half of your life, and was suddenly deported because you weren’t born in that country, would that be fair? In order to understand the situation as a whole, attention, care and patience should be devoted. The Development, Relief, and Education for Alien Minors (DREAM) Act, is an act that if the person meets the requirements, they are able to continue an education, are granted permanent residency, and can later transfer into eligibility for citizenship. The government argues that by granting them amnesty and a right to permanent residency, this will cause a chain reaction for more immigrants to come to the United States. Americans should be for the Dream Act because it gives opportunity …show more content…

Have proof of residence in the United States for at least five consecutive years since their date of arrival.
d. If male, have registered with the Selective Service.
e. Be between the ages of 12 and 35 at the time of bill enactment.
f. Have graduated from and America high school, obtained a GED, or been admitted to an institution of higher education.
g. Be of good moral character. These requirements are only to be accepted under the DREAM act, there are more sets of requirements to pass once you have been accepted into it. There is passing criminal background checks and reviews, and all these requirements are in order to be approved for permanent residency and ultimately citizenship. With all the requirements in place, would it not safe for immigrants to have the confidence to report themselves, rather than to come into the country unannounced and work without filling taxes? This act gives hard working students and illegal immigrants the opportunity to prove their worth and show they are able to give back to the country, without fear of deportation. These students can prove they are good, law abiding citizens who fully contribute and are active members of society as well. The DREAM act is an opportunity for both illegal immigrants and the government to grow

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