
Essay On Domestic Violence In Human Services

Decent Essays

To work in the human services field, it is imperative that you can see and understand your own bias and personal prejudices. In my work as a Case Manager working with the homeless population, it is fairly common for me to come across women, and occasionally men, who have been victims of domestic violence. Often times when we cross paths, they are actively fleeing from it. One of my struggles as a case manager has been to support and protect these women while helping them to find self reliance and independence. Occasionally I find myself feeling frustrated by behaviors and thought processing of my clients that I perceive as being weak and subservient. For me, I believe this intolerance comes from my mother, who in her own right is a strong independent woman, but still found herself faced with domestic violence in her marriage. My mother’s story is a rare one, the abuse happened, she reported it to the police, and after a brief separation, my parents were able to work on their marriage through therapy sessions with a counselor. Because of my brief history with domestic violence and the bias I have caught myself feeling towards these …show more content…

A human service worker who practices these services will focus on the whole individual and their various life experiences. By doing this you will understand the roles that violence and victimization play in a survivor’s life and make your services catered to that person’s needs. You will facilitate recovery by providing support that is based on trust and understanding. The human service worker will always respect the choices of their clients and allow them the choice of which direction they want their treatment to go. They will be culturally competent, understanding how various belief systems, religions, and gender roles can effect a clients recovery from domestic

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