
Essay On Dna Testing

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DNA is the future for choosing the right bull for your needs, but is it economically reasonable for the regular cattleman to afford this new technology and still make a profit. The information outlined in this study should impact farmers decisions of whether or not they should consider getting their bulls DNA tested for greater genetic gains that will improve their herd along with increasing their profit margins. The study was developed to estimate the economic value for using DNA information from hypothetical DNA tests associated with known proportions of selection trait genetic variation to increase the accuracy of beef bull selection in a seedstock breeding program CITE THIS SOURCE. This study used estimates to show that the math …show more content…

A seedstock herd structure and breeding scheme was set up for this particular study. A seedstock herd was trying to figure out the costs of finding a better way to choose their bulls. Each young untested bull was valued based upon its own performance records, their sire, dam, and 20 parental half-siblings. Each bull was used for three years and mated 30 females and produced on average 32.5 yearling bull calves over their lifetime Cite. Eight bulls were kept for stud sires while the other 125 were sold for commercial bull use. These bulls were used as the genetically superior bulls for the rest of this study. The values that were derived for this study from selecting a genetically superior bull were calculated through mathematical equations that accounted for variation in time it took for the gene to pass on to the offspring and eventually the entire herd. The study used the gene flow method of Hill (1973), which helped them track the gene flow that had overlapping generations. They used this information to calculate the cumulative discounted expressions derived from both a superior yearling commercial sire and a genetically superior yearling stud sire Cite. They used this information to help describe how the genes were passed down throughout the breeding and production population based on their biological parameters and the 20-year planning horizon CITE. With the access to this information the study then went on to assessing the value associated with choosing a

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