
Essay On Diverticulitis

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Diverticulitis is a common clinical problem and the complications represent one of the commonest surgical emergencies with a high and increasing prevalence in Western Societies.[ , ] An estimated 10-25% of the population younger than 60 years of age show evidence of colonic diverticula on colonoscopy, rising to 60% of those over 60 years.[ , , ] Although only 5% of patients with diverticulosis will develop acute diverticulitis, around 25% of patients will experience symptoms.[ ] Younger males are known to suffer more severe complications from diverticular disease as the case we presented.[ ] The majority of episodes are treated as outpatients with antibiotics; however it is reported that acute diverticulitis and its complications are responsible for 50,000 emergency hospital admissions per year in the UK with mortality of around 5%.[ ] …show more content…

Laparoscopic approach results in a shorter length of stay, fewer complications, and lower in-hospital mortality compared to open colectomy.( ) Emergency colectomy is associated with significant morbidity, such as pneumonia (25%), respiratory failure (15%), myocardial infarction (12%) and increased mortality in older persons.[ ] Furthermore a systematic review concluded that resection with primary anastomosis in selected patients is equally safe procedure to Hartmann’s approach.[

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