
Essay On Decriminalization Of Marijuana

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Literature Review
Recreational use of marijuana is already permitted in a handful of states, and can be medically prescribed in over half the states of the US, though it remains illegal under federal law. News reports on the issue suggest some voters are concerned that the decriminalization of marijuana will have adverse effects on the US crime rate. Opponents to the legalization of marijuana often claim that people who use marijuana are more likely to move on to harder drugs and those users commit crimes to pay for their habit. Additionally, they are concerned that marijuana dispensaries are attractive targets for criminals and that marijuana use encourages alcohol abuse, and that stoned drivers are a danger to the public. That being said, …show more content…

The study which was conducted in 2010, showed no indications of any increase in crime involving the city’s marijuana dispensaries. In the 18-month period ending August 31st, Colorado Springs Police recorded 41 criminal incidents at medical marijuana dispensaries, according to Abbink. Of those, 33 were burglaries and six were robberies. In the other two cases, the businesses were vandalized. Comparatively, there were 797 business and residential robberies and 4,825 business and residential burglaries in that same 18-month period. Abbink said that “The numbers don’t point to a higher crime rate among dispensaries and that more time is needed to collect information on the young industry” (Rogers, 2010). A similar study was conducted in 2009 by Los Angeles Police Chief Charlie Beck. The study showed 71 robberies at the more than 350 banks in Los Angeles compared to only 47 robberies at medical marijuana facilities which number at least 800. The comparison of banks to medical marijuana dispensaries was chosen because of their similarities as potential targets since both maintain large sums of money and are heavily guarded (Castro,

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