
Essay On Current Crisis 2016

Decent Essays

Problems the United States is Facing in 2017

The North Koreans just launched a missile that caused a 6.3 magnitude seismic event to occur, this was ten times more deadly than the missile launched on Hiroshima in World War Two according to the article from CNN “North Korea Nuclear Timeline Fast Facts.” Three issues Americans face in 2017 are the rising tensions with North Korea, illegal immigration, and human trafficking in the United States. The tensions that have continued to build between North Korea and the United States have been a problem for a very long time. In addition, illegal immigration was one of the big issues both candidates who ran for president argued about in 2016; Finally, human trafficking is a danger to women, children …show more content…

Michael O’Hanlon has gathered many ideas on how to diffuse the crisis between the United States and North Korea, and possibly how to go about finding a long-term resolution. (Hanlon). One might say that the U.S.'s problems with North Korea aren’t the biggest issue America is facing, but with research one can find that this is a life-threatening issue. While the aggression between the United States and North Korea is an issue, another issue the United States faces is illegal immigration.
The next issue the United States faces is illegal immigration. According to the article, “5 Facts About Illegal Immigration In The U.S..,” in 2015 there were nearly eleven million unlicensed immigrants in the United States (Krogstad). The article, “5 Facts About Illegal Immigration In The U.S..,” explains that although it is commonly mistaken, there have been many investigations that have proven that Mexicans, people from the Southern border, may no longer be the greatest number of unlicensed immigrants in the U.S. (Krogstad). According to the article, “9 Things You Need To Know About Illegal Immigration and Crime,” the amount of illegal immigrants in jail is not proportionate to the amount of U.S. citizens in jail. (“9 Things You Need To Know About Illegal Immigration and Crime”). The article, “Top 10 Solutions to Illegal Immigration in the USA,” tells one that if the United States can find a way to strengthen their border

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