Controlling the Immigration Rate Arbitrarily If America is the “land of the free” and the “home of the brave” then why have we turned to imprisonment and cowardliness? Our beliefs has transformed into a filtering system relied on the judgement of one’s background and the color of one’s skin. Many argue that we should not give immigrants the right to join our country because they do not belong here, and many others are trying to force the immigrants out who have already been a part of our nation for quite some time. Americans needs to return to thinking that our melting pot is what has created such a diversified nation. In retrospect, immigrants have been treading through our country for a countless amount of years. They come to America …show more content…
All aliens have built themselves a home from little to nothing. In these homes live children and perhaps other family members, their pets, and all of the hard-earned things that they have acquired over the years. These government officials and delegates do not have to go through the constant paranoia of losing all that they have worked for, no one wants to experience that. And these immigrants are people just like us too, so for America to create that type of label of hypocrisy for itself will only cast an ugly shadow over what being American stands for. In contrast to the belief that all immigrants should be accepted as citizens in our country, we cannot carelessly let them enter our nation and roam about without any knowledge on who they are. In Bouie’s article, real estate mogul Donald Trump has a reasonable argument on Obama’s decisions saying “Refugees from Syria are now pouring into our great country. Who knows who they are—some could be ISIS. Is our president insane?” (Bouie). And in sense, Trump’s concern is necessary and that we should take precaution on the people who wish to enter our country. Even if the times and ideas and mindsets of modern Americans have changed; religion and cultural beliefs of some have not. And who are we to truly know if someone from Syria, or Iran, or Iraq, or any other foreign country wishes to come here to take the lives of many to server their own justice? On the contrary, while this
The United States is a country that was built on immigration. The first settlers, Native Americans, represent less than 2% of the total population; the remaining 98% of the population are immigrants or decedents of immigrants. Today, the US still has the highest immigration rate in the world with 757,434 naturalizations in the 2012 fiscal year only (US Naturalizations 2012, Department of Homeland security). People try to immigrate to the United States for many reasons. Some people immigrate because they have been granted a refugee status or asylum and other people immigrate to fulfill their dreams. Immigration has an effect on the American society and economy. The US cannot survive without immigrants.
When you have substantial amounts of people subsiding in a general region you will always have those who agree with certain policies and those you disagree. In the case of the US immigration policy, there was a considerable amount of people who had strong opinions on America's way of running their immigration system. Many interviews, articles, speeches, and cartoons were created to show the harsh insensitivity they felt was being portrayed in immigration. A Senator of New York named Meyer Jacobstein made several thought-provoking claims towards the policy. He started with a point against the committee, “ One of the purposes in shifting to the 1890 census is to reduce the number of undesirables and defectives in our institutions. In fact,
We are now in the 21st century and like the beginning of the 20th century the United States finds itself in the throes of a period of mass immigration. More then one million immigrants enter the Unites States, both legally and illegally every single year. Many argue that this new wave of mass immigration may help sustain the success that our nation is having in regard to the way of living that many American have come accustomed to and yet others believe that although our nation was created by immigrants it is time to "shut down" our borders. The truth of the matter is that there will always be issues in regard to immigration and the policies that the government sets forth in order control who comes into this country. Also now
Immigration Reform is obviously a big issue in America today. I mean everywhere you go; you either see something about or read about it. There is no exact number as to how many illegal immigrants cross the border, but it is estimated to be around 11 to 12 million. This has become a major political and social issue because of the continued flow of illegal immigrants. There is nothing really around that will stop this problem. Nothing has really been done, I mean there are borders and all, but who watches the borders to stop the immigration and even so there is no one there to protect the people who are there trying to prevent it. Anything can happen to the people who are watching the borders such as being shot at and things of the nature,
Immigrants come to America chasing hopes and dreams of someday having a life of wealth. The United States has this imagine that everything will be better and all your problems will be solved. However, in the last century we’ve had a raise of Illegal Immigrants in the country.
The difference is most immigrants who come to this US have a great understanding and appreciation of what this country represents. They did not come to the country because it was the place to be, but they come for the opportunity to fail and
I met Nyasha in 2014 when she signed up to volunteer for Youth Employment UK and took on the role of a Youth Ambassador. The role asks young people to advocate and represent their peers in the UK who are facing employment barriers. Ambassadors engage with stakeholders from many influential institutions including the British government to explain the challenges they have, as in Nyasha’s instance at that time who was in high school and making life-changing decisions with regards to her education. At yearly conferences,regular events and parliamentary debates
“We are nation of immigrants. Some came here willingly, some unwillingly. Nonetheless, we are immigrants, or the descendants of immigrants, one, and all. Even the natives came from somewhere else, originally. All of the people who come to this country come for freedom, or for some product of that extraordinary, illusory condition. That is what we offer here—freedom and opportunity in a land of relative plenty.” (Middletown Journal 2005)
Every Year millions of immigrants get deported back to their countries.They try to come to the US to have a better life and have a great job.We can't judge other people.
Macbeth’s fate and choices weren’t reliable to predict a good enough ending for himself. Macbeth’s ambition to pursue the witches’ prophecies was too great. As time went on, his ambition and eagerness grew. As the negative aspects of his character begin to overcome any possibility of his good ones, he begin to lose sight in enjoying the throne. After losing sight in the reasoning of his actions, he became reckless.
After reading and processing all of the history of the world, it is difficult for one to understand why we are discriminating illegal immigrants. Dating back some 12,000 to 15,000 years ago, humans and animals began migrated to new lands in order to survive. This trend would continue until people began to build towns and stopped making their normal migration with the food sources. During the late 1400’s, humans sailed from continent to continent looking for new land to conquer and settle in [Tindall, Shi, 6; vol. 1]. Great Britain settled in the Eastern part of the
One of the most defining traits for the United States of America is that the nation is one made up of immigrants, it is a basic building block that can not be overlooked, nor should it. That being said, it is important to countless citizens to be open when it comes to immigration, while keeping the country hospitable to its citizens for generations to come. However, this attitude to immigration is a fairly recent phenomenon in American history, especially in regards to immigrants coming in from non-Western European countries. With the introduction of the Immigration Act of 1965 and the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986 (IRCA) came about the changes to immigration policy that would forever change the face of the nation and create the diversity that has become a point of pride. The sentiment is not felt nationwide, however, as the immigration patterns brought about with these two acts has brought hostility as well, especially from those who feel that immigration is a threat to the country as a whole, specifically illegal immigration. Immigration, and its illegal counterpart, is an issue that defines this period in American history, and while it did not necessary start off targeting Mexican and Latino immigrants, it has very much been immortalized within the communities and become the face of immigrants to the nation as a whole.
The United States is a country affected by illegal immigration. The term illegal aliens or what is most commonly known as illegal immigrants, the word alien is simply a person who comes from a foreign country. A much more accurate expression for these groups of individuals is the term illegal alien. The term illegal alien is a much more precise term because it deals with both undocumented aliens as well as nonimmigrant visa overstayers. Both terms illegal alien as well as illegal immigrant are used to describe individuals who have broken the law of our country to enter and work illegally. The majority of the immigrants who come to this country illegally are in search of the
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Debate over immigration and immigration policy is not new to the nation's history. For a long time, Congress debated legislation to control the immigration problem. As immigration rises and hatred grows more laws will be carried out trying to release some of the pressure. Immigrants offer cheaper labor to businesses. Immigrants do not get minimum wage, but instead they get paid lower, this gives the business an edge over other competitors.