
Essay On Cognitive Behavior Therapy

Decent Essays

After giving some thought about which theory has the most impact on my view of the counseling process, I realize that I relate to two theories, person-centered therapy and cognitive behavior therapy. At this point, due to lack of knowledge about both theories, I don’t see myself relating fully to both theories. However, there are a few factors from each theory that can be beneficial to the counseling process. I would like to discuss the person-centered therapy and then move on to cognitive behavior therapy.

First, for person-centered therapy the client/counselor relationship is key and is the primary importance. During the counseling session, the qualities the counselor display includes genuineness by being real, warmth by being kind, empathy by putting themselves in the person’s shoes without feeling sorry for them, respect to admire their capabilities or abilities, non-judgment by not being critical of the person, and communication to connect with the person. By the counselor displaying these attitudes during the session the counselor will create an atmosphere of comfort and safety. This type of atmosphere will have a positive effect on the working alliance between the counselor/client. …show more content…

Person-centered therapy uses few techniques, while cognitive behavior therapy uses many techniques. Both of these theories will assist me when I’m building rapport with my clients, to assist my clients to overcome obstacles in their lives, and promotes change. I also believe these theories will help me stay true to who I am by being empathic, genuine, and a good listener. As a counselor these theories will help me to stay in check by making sure I’m not giving my client advice, do no harm, and to assists them in their exploration of

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