
Essay On Changing The Driving Age To 18

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My state legislature is considering raising the driving age from 16 to 18. However, I agree , simply because its too much happening in these days and times . Eighteen year old will be more responsible , mature , and educated to be driving the roads better then a 16 year old. Most eighteen year olds have a job rather than 16 year , so that they can pay there own insurance. Furthermore, with more teen fatalities on the road each year the number of death reported to 9/11 . So , you must consider changing the laws governing the teens driving. i stronly believe that the legislatures should change the driving age to eighteen to make it safer. One main reason you should change the driving age to eighteen is , Because they will be way more …show more content…

This is just to protect teens from not getting hurt or not really ready to be on the road . Finally, with more teen fatalites on the road each year than the numbers of death reported from 9/11, you must consider changing the laws goveringing the teen driving . In fact , when sixteen years old drive they act more easily distracted from other people in the car. For instincts, they could be talking or texting on their cell phome oreven putting on make-up. Moreover, during the night driving , sixteen year olds are more likely to over correct when seeing animals or objects in the road. lastly, young sixteen year olds drivers accelerate to fast, try to beat red lights , ignore stop signs, wont let other drives change lanes in front of them. If you strongly agree that the age limt needs to be changed to eighteen. For three main resons . Older teens will be more responsible , mature , and educated to be driving rather sixteen year olds . Most eighteen year olds will have a job , and be able to pay their own insurace and put gas in their car in stead of thie parents doing it for them. There will also be much less teen fatalites than deaths reproted from 9/11. So remember to consider help

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