
Essay On Canadian Peacekeeping

Decent Essays

Canada's lack of involvement in peacekeeping during recent times shows its hypocrisy and willingness to forget its morals in the face of adversity. From 1956 to the 1990s Canada topped the list of UN peacekeeping troops with over 30,000 military servicemen and women. This number has dropped to 68 troops as of September 2017, leaving Canada ranked 73rd out of 124 countries for the number of peacekeepers contributed to the UN. Countries such as Rwanda, Ethiopia, Indonesia, and Nepal all contributed more peacekeepers than Canada, coming in 5th, 1st, 10th, and 6th respectively (Dangerfield) despite being considerably poorer than Canada. T.W As Romeo Dallaire, force commander for the UN Rwanda peacekeeping mission and Canadian senator says,"the concept of …show more content…

Instead of putting in the time or effort to examine what went wrong, why it went wrong, and what could be done to make it better Canada pulled out its forces completely, showing that the country was not willing to achieve what they claimed to be passionate about. As soon as things began to look slightly difficult Canada almost completely gave up, which is far from an honourable or admirable thing to do. The non-involvement is not for a lack of need as seen when Canada was asked by the UN in 2016 to contribute helicopters for its mission in Mali, which Canada failed to make a decision on, leaving other countries to have to step in (Dangerfield). Canada also declined an offer for a retired Canadian lieutenant-general to lead forces in the Congo from the UN (Brewster). While Canada used to be the first to volunteer for peacekeeping missions and encourage others to do the same it is now reluctant to be involved in even the simplest of

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