
Essay On Canada's Global Competitiveness

Decent Essays

The term competitiveness defines the ability of a region to export more than its imports while including all “terms of trade” to reflect government legislation and import barriers. In other words, according to the world competitiveness report, competitiveness is “… the ability to design, produce, and market goods and services, the price and non- price characteristics of which form a more attractive package than those of competitors.” (Pg3.) Each nation has different competitiveness level, which relies on multitude factors such as; raw materials, innovative technologies, energy prices, the type of economy, legislations, and the exchange rate fluctuations. Nevertheless, the prosperity of countries depends on the nation’s competitiveness status. …show more content…

Canada’s global competitiveness is slipping because of the slow productivity growth that is currently facing with. This cause comes from underinvestment in innovations and technologies. Many of the challenges that Canada is facing have deep roots from its history, and are related to the characteristics of the nation. For instance, Canada’s major exports, which are mostly natural resources- oil and gas- go to the United States. Canada’ s population is also filling with seniors, which has an impact on the labor force and therefore, productivity growth. In 2009, Canada was ranked ninth in the world economic and financial system’s annual ratings (report). Canada has several key strengths that can ensure its top 10 position including financial system stability such as strong central bank policy and stable exchange rate and relative economic health care and excellent education system. According to Ms. Blanke speech, Canada’s private sector spending on research and development ranks 27th in the world, while university/industry collaboration on R&D ranks 19th.

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