
Essay On Campus Rape

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Violence, rape, on college campuses as become prevalent in the last few decades or so. It is used as a method of controlling women, who while inhabiting a predominantly male sphere, reject patriarchal gender roles and expectations by existing in the public sphere. Rather than assume that rape is just part of being a woman, the Take Back the Night movement can be seen as a feminist practice as it provides women a method of rejecting not only rape culture in public, but, also the patriarchal structures within which it exists and allows women to exert their own agency. Women are forcing college officials to recognize campus rape by vocalizing issues of rape on campus and taking part in public demonstrations, such as Take Back the Night, and by …show more content…

Women Against Violence Against Women, WAVAW, defines rape culture as a, “complex set of beliefs that encourage male sexual aggression and supports violence against women… women perceive a continuum of threatened violence that ranges from sexual remarks to sexual touching to rape itself. A rape culture condones physical and emotional terrorism against women as the norm... both men and women assume that sexual violence is a fact of life, inevitable”. WAVAW provides a working definition of rape culture which is necessary in order to be able to properly discuss campus rape. It assists in defining and highlighting specifically which topics of rape will be discussed. Rape culture rises from a form of toxic masculinity which exists in the patriarchy. It is, “the mechanism that channels toxic masculinity into specific, socially legitimized practices of sexual violence” (Posadas 178). In the patriarchy, men are able to establish their masculinity by demonstrating or committing acts of violence against women. This is because masculinity is defined in terms of violence and sexual aggression, which normalizes violence against women and their fear of rape or other forms of sexual assault. A man is expected to have a large sexual appetite as part of their masculine

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