
Essay On Campaign Finance Laws

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Hannah Scheele Mr. Bradfield Research Paper 16 January 2018 Campaign Finance Laws In the United States, there are little limitations on how much candidates can spend on their campaigning. Making it easy for people such as Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton in the recent 2016 election to pull ahead by publicizing themselves. Less wealthy candidates like George Pataki and Rick Perry are at a disadvantage going into the election, not only is it unfair but unjust. These candidates do not get to put themselves out to the public without spending a fortune leading to them not winning the election. As of the most recent presidential election, candidates would spend millions to put their name on television or billboards. If there were a limit on candidates …show more content…

Luckily, the dramatic change for finance laws came in the 1970s when the Federal Election Campaign Act was passed. This act paved the way for regulations regarding contribution limits. Before this act was put in place congress never took reports of the money being spent during the election. Finally, in 1967, Congress began collecting and analyzing the financial reports for campaigning. As according to Elizabeth Hanes on, the Federal Election Campaign Act passed in 1971 established “fundamental changes” in campaign finance laws. Hanes goes on to state that in order for the Act to running smoothly the Federal Election Commision was created to “enforce” the campaign finance laws put into place. The Federal Election Campaign Act required full reports of all contributions, amount of money spent and limited spending on media advertisements. Years later in 2002, the Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act was passed, which limited the use of “soft money”, money raised by national parties and political action committees. Passing the act provided more honesty for the candidates running. The political action committees or PACs,

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