
What Is The Case Of Brown V. Board Of Education Of Topeka, Kansas, 1954

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NAME OF THE CASE: Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka, Kansas, 1954

FACTS: Linda Brown, an African American third grader applied for admission to an all-white public school, Sumner Elementary, in Topeka, Kansas and was refused by the board of education of Topeka. A class action lawsuit, represented by NAACP lawyers, was filed in 1951 in the United States District Court for the District of Kansas. This case consolidated the four other cases filed in separate states, all having in common African American children denied admission to segregated, all-white public schools based on race.

ISSUE: Whether the separate but equal principle violates the equal protection clause of the 14th amendment.

RULE: The court concluded that the segregation of African American school children “generates a feeling of inferiority as to their status in the community that may affect their hearts and minds in a way unlikely ever to be undone.” …show more content…

In a 1950 case, Sweatt v. Painter, desegregation had already existed in the previously segregated University of Texas Law School because there were no separate but equal facilities in Texas. Segregation of the races was not an agreement made by both blacks and whites, but a decision made only by whites to continue to oppress African Americans after they were granted the 13th, 14th, and 15th amendment.. The separate but equal principle masqueraded as providing equal treatment to blacks and whites but instead perpetuated inferior accommodations, service, and treatment to black Americans. Linda Brown was forced to walk six blocks to get to her bus stop to ride to Monroe Elementary while Sumner Elementary, a white school, was seven blocks from her

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