
Essay On Broken Windows Theory

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Introduction of James Q. Wilson
James Q. Wilson (1931-2012) was a highly respected scholar who devoted his life in political science, focusing on urban politics of the America in his early life, and later delved into the study of political organisations, policing and crime, bureaucracy and character and culture. He spent most of his life teaching political science at various renowned university, including UCLA and Harvard University. He also served numerous government commissions throughout his life and was frequently awarded for his contributions, in particular, he was an awardee of the American nation’s highest civilian award - Presidential Medal of Freedom. Among Wilson’s wide array of study, he was best known for his contributions in …show more content…

Despite the theory being influential, it is to be noted that the original development of the theory has no actual scientific evidence. This is exemplified as Wilson admitted himself that the theory originally was a speculation. Although weakly scientific, the theory had basis of actual observation with testimonies of residents obtained by Wilson and Kelling as outlined in their 1982 article.
b. Application on policing strategy
The broken windows theory influenced policing strategy, specifically, suggested the importance of combating minor disorder by policing. Since “disorder and crime are usually inextricably linked in a developmental sequence”, policing therefore has an eminent role in disrupting the trajectory linking minor disorder and serious crime. The hypothesis is that when police keep streets in good order by not tolerating minor disorder, people are likely to behave in a more orderly way.
An example of the application of this policing approach focusing on minor disorder was New York City, where the NYPD statistics found a drop of murder rate from 26.5 per 100,000 people in 1993 to 3.3 per 100,000 people in 2013. This policing strategy was promoted by William J. Bratton, the head of New York’s transit police at that time. In addition, in a research conducted by Braga, Welsh and Schnell in 2015, it was found that policing strategies focusing on minor disorder had a statistically

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