
Essay On Boston Massacre

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The Boston Massacre
From the beginning of history, the events that have happened have been created by something, these events have caused emotions to lift and tensions to come to a snapping point. The Boston Massacre was defiantly not an exception; America was feeling all the pressure of what the British was doing to them and was completely ready to break away from the rule. However, the separation between the two parties would not come without a fight on both sides. The British did not feel the American’s had the right to separate from them under the British rule. Although, the Americans were fed up of the taxes and rules being placed upon them and wanted to break free from their political tyrants. The Boston Massacre is what would be …show more content…

The Boston Massacre as history shows us was the explosion in history that led American’s and the British into the American Revolution. However, the events that lead to the happening of the Boston Massacre, put the British soldiers at a disadvantage that day. However, the British Army had occupied the city, but they were just following the orders given to them by the British Parliament. They did not grasp the pressure that the colonist was being put under and if they did, they did not fully understand the consequences or it never crossed their minds.
Boston had withstood the life with British soldiers before the Boston Massacre in 1770 for two years. The British Army landed on the shores of Boston in October of 1768. The citizens of the city had endured the everyday life of the soldiers as they rose in the morning, trained throughout the day and went back to their tents in the evening. Not only did they see them every day they communicated with them in town when the soldiers came into the town to buy goods and utilized services within the city limits of Boston. A very famous citizen of Boston, Paul Revere, described what he saw as the solider came into the city. Revere said, “They (the British) formed and marched with insolent parade, drums beating, fifes playing and colors flying, up King Street. Each soldier has received 16 rounds of powder and ball.” Troops of the 29th, unable

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