
Essay On Being Black In America

Decent Essays

Being Black in America Being black in America means learning that every day that you wake up, you are a problem to society for no absolute reason except being born with brown skin. Black culture is seen in so many different viewpoints. It is presented differently in different places but often used as something to be ashamed of unless it is used for fashion, sports or a joke. Being black is not just a trend; black culture has played a part in creating all things today; for example, music, as every genre of music originates from old African songs. From the time that the first Africans were brought to the Americas until now in 2017; music, culture, clothes, and food have been passed down representing black culture and African Americans should be proud of their heritage. In addition to the tribulations caused by non-African American’s, many black communities still face anti-blackness which involves hating themselves and others for things like skin tones, religion, sexuality, wealth, and personality.
Respectable politics, is when a minority or marginalized group are taught or told that if they behave or dress a certain way they would receive better treatment. This belief has been common in the black American community since blacks where brought to America. If one was to walk a little straighter, talk a little clearer, dress better, right neater the white …show more content…

White people have being adopting clothing and hair styles and have been getting praised for it but black people have been getting looked down upon for years over those same trends. Those cultural staples were dubbed “new trends” and black people were erased. It’s deeper than “just hair”, “just clothes” or “just slang.” It’s the livelihood of marginalized communities. In an article, Elle U.K. wrote that baby hair was a “new trend” inspire by Givenchy and Katy Perry. But what sparked so much tension was that black girls have been doing it for

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