
Essay On Australia And The Environmental Crisis

Decent Essays

This article is talking about Australia and the environmental crisis. Australia has taken a decision that the dismissal of many of the scientists who are contributing to climate change, because they learned everything you could need to know about the phenomenon of global warming.

Australian scientists are concerned about this decision, because Australia is the driest and also the most affected by this phenomenon. In this state happens a lot of changes in the weather, and that this decision will not respond to any of the effects of global warming. There are adverse effects throughout the region, on a larger scale and around the world. Based on the decision to dismiss scientists in Australia, it has been cut up to 110 jobs out of 140 jobs in the atmosphere department, and according to several reports: 120 have been transferred at land and water program, and350 employees of the climate they will be transferred far from their area of specialization.
Australia's Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization (CSIRO), It has taken a strategic decision to have such an initiative to monitor the impact of climate change. This …show more content…

Also, it will make the country ill-equipped to deal with the consequences of global warming. We have mentioned previously that Australia is the driest country on earth, Australia has experienced significant shifts in weather patterns. The strategic step that has been developed, which is far from the basics of climate change step. Ie, work to adapt to new methods suitable for the current environmental situation and any new environment. I see that there is for them to do a lot of work and effort to understand the problem. The world needs the climate models to adapt and the reduction of this research there may be impacts throughout the region. The Australian Government is obviously changing

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