This article is talking about Australia and the environmental crisis. Australia has taken a decision that the dismissal of many of the scientists who are contributing to climate change, because they learned everything you could need to know about the phenomenon of global warming.
Australian scientists are concerned about this decision, because Australia is the driest and also the most affected by this phenomenon. In this state happens a lot of changes in the weather, and that this decision will not respond to any of the effects of global warming. There are adverse effects throughout the region, on a larger scale and around the world. Based on the decision to dismiss scientists in Australia, it has been cut up to 110 jobs out of 140 jobs in the atmosphere department, and according to several reports: 120 have been transferred at land and water program, and350 employees of the climate they will be transferred far from their area of specialization.
Australia's Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization (CSIRO), It has taken a strategic decision to have such an initiative to monitor the impact of climate change. This
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Also, it will make the country ill-equipped to deal with the consequences of global warming. We have mentioned previously that Australia is the driest country on earth, Australia has experienced significant shifts in weather patterns. The strategic step that has been developed, which is far from the basics of climate change step. Ie, work to adapt to new methods suitable for the current environmental situation and any new environment. I see that there is for them to do a lot of work and effort to understand the problem. The world needs the climate models to adapt and the reduction of this research there may be impacts throughout the region. The Australian Government is obviously changing
Particularly, Australia, which is one of the leading coal exporters of the world, is becoming the World largest global exporter of fossil fuel. There are investments in large scale to propose coal, oil and gas projects throughout the country. Consequently, Australia would seem have the potential of emitting one half of the global carbon emission budget. Thus climate change has aroused a huge controversy between the scientists and the Liberal Party government in terms of this emmisions. In this context Tim Flannery has been prominent among them.
This paper recognises that the Australian climate has increased significantly since 1910. Evidence is provided to suggest that Australia has a climate-sensitive economy, as the variations in climate and damage caused by extreme weather conditions produce significant social and economic costs. Climate
Until recently, many of the environmentalist policies of the Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillard have been quite moderate, such as encouraging children to turn off their game consoles when not in use. On the government-run Clean Energy Future homepage, the website proclaims: "Switching off video game consoles when not in use could save households up to $150 a year enough to buy several great new games." The website provides a link to tips for ordinary consumers about how they can save money on energy costs through conservation efforts. This is environmentalism marketed from a self-interested perspective. The message is that people can save money and save energy at the same time. While this is a helpful promotional campaign in some respects, it is also somewhat inaccurate, given that many of the measures that must be taken to save the planet will likely be more costly and result in the consumer having to give up certain things and to pay more money for others. Organic food and hybrid cars, for example, cost more than standard-grown food and standard vehicles.
Countries around the world have agreed that to avoid potentially dangerous climate change, global warming stay below 2 degrees C. This means that every country, including Australia will need to significantly increase their efforts to reduce emissions. Currently, Australia’s per capita emissions are among the highest in the world, however, there has been recent progress in decarbonising its economy. For example, greenhouse gas emissions have remained stable while economy size has almost doubled. (Pathways to deep carbonisation).
I have researched about climate change in Australia and take this as an example for the same situation of other countries. Australia is a unique and diverse country in every way – in culture, populations, climate, geography, and history. It is home to more than one million species of plants and animals, many of which are found nowhere else in the world, and less than half have been described scientifically. However, Australia is an exceptionally large polluter. It is the highest per person greenhouse gas polluter among all developed countries, the 15th highest overall polluter and our emissions are still rising. Most of Australia’s greenhouse gas emissions come from the burning of fossil fuels for energy about 72%. When oil, gas or coal burns,
Recent mood events such as extremely high temperatures and widespread drought have focused government activity and public attention on the impacts of climate modification in Australia. Despite a slight increase in overall rain in Australia, rainfall patterns are expected to be problematic, as rain has become heavier and infrequent, with little or no uptrend in rainfall in the Western Tableland and the Central Lowlands of Australia. At the same time, Australia continues to have the highest per capita greenhouse gas emissions. Temperatures in Australia have also boost dramatically since 1910 and nights have become heater
Some research shows that climate change is a load of crap. Climate change is a natural event that occurs in cycles of warmings and ice ages, some examples of which are: ice age about 10000 years ago; Mediterranean see froze to ice a few centuries ago; Sea shell in the Artic Ocean suggest a period of warming. The spontaneous worldwide eruption of volcanoes and peak of meteorite and asteroid activity during the dinosaur era would bring more damage to climate that we humans. This year winter in Toronto lasted until April rather than February – where’s the global warming? These so called “scientists” create speculations of these so called “global warming”, “carbon foot print” etc. and conduct these so called “researches” to continue being financed and receive guaranteed income. On the other hand, United Nations is a organization filled with a bunch of bias bureaucrats. In other words, the chain of bureaucrats between the investing party and the so called “Climate Fund” pocket a good chunk of the monetary funds before they even reach the over exaggerated or even non-existing issue. Other examples include excessive and unnecessary spending on “infrastructure” and “job creation”. Rona Ambrose, interim leader of Conservative Party Canada brings up a few good points on unnecessary spending, what she referred to as Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s
To meet the needs and demands of the ever rising human population, technology continues to advances and yet the bleak outlook for our future generations fails to push for a long term solution for our dying Earth. The excess greenhouse gases is an evident problems for our planet, it causes rapid climate change to adversely impacts Australia, resulting in fast increasing temperatures, jeopardizing the lives of Australians, and devastating the oceans and the ecosystems that rely upon it. Although the entire world is warming up due to climate change, Australia will suffer more severely – ensuing in a growing number of extreme weathers even with the slightest rise in average temperature (Milman, 2015). As this Oceanian country takes the blunt of
The IPCC Status Report on Climate Change Summary for Policymakers is an assessment of the current scientific understanding of the impacts of climate
Australian history is very similar to the United States’. From the formations of the countries to wars, the countries are tied together in more ways than one can count. When looking deeper into the history of the countries, there are a few main connections that stand out.
Climate change creates significant impacts in the Australian context: in considering sea level rise is one of the most critical condition and as per the IPCC report, in 2100 it will increase by79 centimeters (Department of climate change, 2009). Further, it enhances natural hazards affect on the coastal region as flood, inundation, erosion, and storm surges, which will be a significant threat to the coastal community (Button et al.2013). In addition, sea level rise causes a significant change to beaches, coral reefs, estuaries, wetlands and low-lying islands.
The main limitation of the article is that the author's name was not listed on the page. Also, even though the information in the article was very accurate and could be corroborated with other sites, the article website is not considered extremely reputable. The majority of the text is objective and factual although the author also included various opinions in the introduction. This was done to make the global warming issue more riveting, urgent and consequential so readers would be influenced to help avert the major effects of global warming. Nevertheless, the article is considered very accurate, well explained and the information is
Global warming is a phenomenon leading to climate change. Human activities, especially the burning of fossil fuels releases large amounts of greenhouse gases. These gases absorb infrared radiation and cover the atmosphere. More and more infrared radiation is inside the Earth, which becomes warmer. This process is called global warming (Houghton, 2005). Australia is one of the countries, which is suffering from climate change. The average temperature of Australia has increased by 0.7°C since the past century. Average precipitation in the southwest and southeast in Australia will decrease in future decades, while northwest regions will increase in precipitation. Moreover, Australia’s coastlines will suffer from erosion and inundation because it is estimated that there will be an 8–88 cm increasing global sea level (Preston and Jones, 2006). Owing to climate change, Australia’s biodiversity, ecosystems, and natural habitats are destroyed. For example, the habitat of the Great Barrier Reef and coral communities are disappearing (Preston and Jones, 2006). Owing to the effects and it is energy crisis in the future, exploring the renewable energy source feasibility and sustainable development is necessary. Therefore, in the long term, the potential of wind energy and solar energy could be the answer to global warming in Australia and determine the current barriers to renewable energy in terms of the energy industry and the locations in Australia.
Climate change otherwise known as global warming has been an ongoing issue for decades. Beginning in the 19th century, climate change has increasingly affected Earth and its atmosphere. Rising levels of carbon dioxide are warming the Earth’s atmosphere, causing rising sea-levels, melting snow and ice, extreme fires and droughts, and intense rainfall and floods. Climate change has and will continue to affect food production, availability of water, and can add to many health risks in humans and animals. In fact, in an article by Justin Gillis titled, “Scientists Warn of Perilous Climate Shift Within Decades, Not Centuries” he focuses on a paper written by a former NASA climate scientist, James E. Hansen, explaining the effects of climate change on Earth today. Although many believe Hansen’s theories in the paper are quite far-fetched, the author mentions, “Despite any reservations they might have about the new paper, virtually all climate scientists agree with Dr. Hansen’s group that society is not moving fast enough to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases, posing grave risks” (Gillis). Gillis validates the fact that climate change has been rapidly expanding throughout Earth and society has not been able to reduce it fast enough. Many negative risks are being posed and will continue to mount if the issue of climate change is not taken seriously. Although climate change negatively affects nearly all aspects of Earth, it poses a big
“When taking the heating of the entire climate system into account, our planet has warmed at a rate equivalent to 4 Hiroshima atomic bomb detonations per second over the past 15 years” (Cook). Our planet is becoming warmer. When scientists add up all the heat warming the land, oceans, atmosphere, ice melting, earth is accumulating heat equivalent to four Hiroshima bombs worth of heat per second. Global warming is a serious issue faced by our world as there has been a significant increase in temperature over the years. But the article published by Dr. Mark Sircus on “Global Warming -largest science scandal in the history” refutes the theory of global warming. Dr. Sircus states that there is no linkage between carbon dioxide and temperature leading to global warming, the sea level is not rising, arctic sea ice extent is now higher and climate change is due to solar activity. Dr. Sircus also points out that that the recent weather changes are not in line with global warming and “we are in the beginning of a deep freeze” (Global Warming - Largest Science Scandal in US History). NASA and the scientific community states that global warming is not a hoax and there is a rapid increase in Earth’s average surface temperature due to greenhouse gases released as people burn fossils. NASA states that the “key indicators of global warming are based on surface, satellite, and ocean temperature measurements, satellite measurements of energy imbalance and of receding glaciers, sea ice, and