
Essay On Antic Disposition In Hamlet

Decent Essays

In William Shakespeare’s play hamlet, Hamlet’s “anti-disposition” is not madness or

insanity it is just Hamlet’s actions from being hurt. Hamlet is hurt from his father’s death,

Polonius forcing Ophelia to stop seeing Hamlet, and his mothers’ quick remarriage after his

father’s death. Hamlet acts as if he is insane but it is a cover up so no one knows how mentally

sane he is.

There are several occurrences where Hamlet claims he is not crazy, he is just acting as if

he is, Hamlet talks to the ghost, and says “As I perchance hereafter shall think meet, To put an

antic disposition on” meaning from now on he will begin to act as if he has gone mad (1.5.179-

180). When his friends see him he will be acting crazy but will actually be pretending. …show more content…

Hamlet is a smart character in the play, because for someone who just recently lost his

father, acting crazy would seem normal, and no one will think he is actually preparing to seek

revenge on the king. When Hamlet is talking to his mother, he says “I essentially am not in

madness, but mad in craft”, Hamlet admits to his mother that he is pretending to be mad

(3.4.189-190). He also tells Gertrude not to tell King Claudius because then there is no point of

his “antic disposition” act if Claudius knows this is all for show. Hamlet is only pretending to be

crazy, but when it comes down to it he knows that is right and what is going on. When Hamlet

decides not to kill King Claudius while he is praying shows that he is not crazy and can act and

think properly and to see what is best for him. Hamlet killed Polonius in a fit of madness, and

since his madness is caused by Claudius killing his father, the same madness would take over

Hamlet and would kill Claudius the chance he had. There was no better chance to kill King

Claudius then while he was on his knees, quietly praying. Claudius did not even know

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