
Essay On Alabama Tornado

Decent Essays

April 27, 2011 was pretty much D-Day for the south but mostly those who resided in Alabama. Tornadoes ripped through Alabama leaving fifty-three people dead and injuring a thousand in Tuscaloosa County, Alabama.” The tornado left five thousand three hundred and sixty-two residences damaged or decimated in its path” (Prohaska, 19). The storms pre-emptily ended the semester at the University of Alabama, and many students whose permanent homes were located outside of Tuscaloosa left the city without witnessing the extent of the damage in their college town. It was known as the 2011 Super Outbreak where the tornadoes caused 11 billion dollars in damage. The duration of the tornadoes were three days, seven hours, and eighteen minutes. In total there were twenty-nine tornadoes to go through central Alabama on the day …show more content…

The Tornadoes devastated Alabama across the state and left many unprepared and dead. When the Fukushima disaster occurred, people were able to evacuate before any major damage would happen to the people. In the Tornado disaster you could clearly see the social vulnerability during the storm. Majority of the people hurt were people of color or majority of the poor that were not helped during the disaster. Another difference in the two disasters that were the short term and long term recovery process from the disasters. The Tornado disaster in Alabama was more of a short term even though it cost them a lot of money to bounce back and from the storm and the devastation but Alabama was able to overcome it and move on. The short term helped survivors cope and account for victims. With the Fukushima Disaster that happened at the same time took eight years before certain zones were finally able to be open to the public. The long term had to rebuild livelihoods and restore

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