
Essay On Accountability

Decent Essays

I am in a unique and fortunate position as co-owner of my organization. My role encompasses many areas from administrative, financial all the way to facilities management. My “felt responsibility” is very strong as I have much at stake in a very personal and emotional manner. Our organization’s name is Reddy Medical Group, which carries my name. This in itself brings be much pride, however, along with this, tremendous responsibility. In the small community that we serve, our reputation is of immense gravity to me. The difference in the term accountability to felt responsibility lies in this feeling that cannot be bought. Accountability is a way to cover yourself and/or defend yourself so that you cannot be held liable. In my case, I would be where the “buck stops” and feel not only accountable but truly and ultimately responsible. I have grown with our organization over the past 30 plus years, therefore, creating processes and protocols as I needed with our growth. In areas where I lacked knowledge within the health care industry, I educated myself. I learn from courses, research or from questioning experts on the subject. …show more content…

Our first location began in a small rural area in a 1500 square foot office. From these small beginnings we are now in 6 counties with 10 business entities and over 100 employees. We own most of our facilities and the majority of our equipment. Our growth has not ended. We have opened two new locations in the past two years. With this growth, it is inevitable, that policies and protocols must be developed. With the help of many others, we have created a company with a strong work ethic, clear mission and high values in providing the best quality health care possible by our

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