
Essay On Abortion Vs Pro Life

Decent Essays

In the topic of abortion, I support pro-choice rather than pro-life. I pick pro-choice doesn’t mean I don’t like baby. Pro-choices don’t mean to give up the baby, it is mean you get chance to choose to keep or not to keep your baby for reason. Pro-life is strict thing that mean you have to keep your baby without any excuse. If a woman who have been rape, and she gets pregnancy. In this case, should her keep the baby? The decision is painful, who want to keep a baby from rape, but baby is also a life. But if we thinking deeper, the women get rape to keep the baby because the law doesn’t allow her to abortion. The women will most likely to hate her baby. In this case, the baby will most likely go to the foster care system. Foster care is a way to save children’s life, but the children won’t have love from their family, and parents. In other case, women who likes to addict to drug, smoke, and …show more content…

If a women cannot abortion in this case, the baby is unhealthy and death soon after they born. What is the point you have a baby in few months, the mom and the baby both living in the painful condition? We feel compassion to them and support what they need in life, but we won’t understand the pain have given to them. We won’t understand the pain having given to them because we don’t the same experience. If women have right to pro-choices, women will be becoming easier in their life and less painful. In the United States, we have right to speech and right to decide what to do and not to do, but why women cannot decide their own body without hurting another people? One of my friend who having a baby girl, she also supports pro-choice. She said that “I love my baby a she is part of my body, but I supports pro-choices. I have the right to decide what to do.” Abortion is the hot topic we have been discuss in these couple years. I hope women will have the right to decide our

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