
Essay Of Insanity In Shakespeare's Hamlet

Decent Essays

William Shakespeare’s Hamlet is a tragedy that involves murder, deception, and vengeance. The storyline begins with Claudius killing the King of Denmark, Hamlet. When revealed to his son; young Hamlet, he vows to have revenge on Claudius. As the story goes on Hamlet began to act crazy with madness. While this holds true, many scholars and critics question whether or not he was truly mad. Nevertheless, the support within the play shows that he is truly not mad but yet only pretending to be. Through his actions and words it becomes apparent that Hamlet is truly not mad.
In Crawford’s literary critique on Hamlet, she mentions a multitude of arguments with the text indicating that Hamlet is truly not mad. One of the first arguments mentioned involved the fact that only two people regard Hamlet as really mad. These people include the king and the henchmen, and even though they believe so, there is room for doubt. At one point in the story Polonius believes Hamlet to be mad and thought it was due to Ophelia repelling his love. Polonius …show more content…

Hamlet feigned madness, “In order to confuse and disconcert the king and his attendants.” (Crawford, 1). “His intention was to act, “Strange or odd,” (I.v.170-172.) which is not the only indication.” (Crawford 1). Later on in the story Hamlet states that he is only, “Mad north-north-west,” (II. ii. 360.) and someone advises that Hamlet is, “A crafty madness.” (III.i.8.).
As Horatio is arranging for the play Crawford points out how Hamlet declares, “I must be idle.” (III.ii.85.). Through this statement, it infers that he is intentionally acting foolish. When the play within a play is over Hamlet speaks with his mother and, “Assures her that he is intentionally acting the part of madness in order to attain his goal: “I essentially am not in madness, but madness in craft.” (III.iv.187-8.).” (Crawford

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