
Essay Explain Why Heredity Many Contribute To Individual Differences In Intelligence

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The intelligence scores of identical twins reared together are more similar than those of fraternal twins. Brain scan also reveals that identical twins have similar volume to their brain’s gray matter, and those areas associated with verbal and spatial intelligence. Because many genes influence intelligence, it is said to be polygenetic. The intelligence test score of fraternal twins are more alike than the intelligence test scores of other siblings. This provides evidence of an environmental effect because fraternal twins, being the same age, are treated more alike. Studies of adopted children and their adoptive and biological families demonstrate that with age, genetic influences scores are more like those of their biological parents than their adoptive …show more content…

Although normal brain development can be retarded by sensory, social isolation, and deprivation, there is no sure environment that will transform a normal baby into a genius. Explain why heredity many contribute to individual differences in intelligence but not necessarily contributes to group differences. The amount of variation in a trait within a group that is attributed to genetic factors is called its heritability. For intelligence, this has been estimated at 50 percent. If we know a trait has perfect heritability, this knowledge does not enable us to rule out environmental factors in explaining differences between groups. Because of the impact of environmental factors such as education and nutrition on intelligence test performance, even if the heritability of intelligence is high within a particular group, differences in intelligence among groups may be environmentally caused. One group may, for example, thrive in an enriched environment while another of the same genetic predisposition may falter in an impoverished

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