
Essay Comparing The Great Gatsby And Winter Dreams

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The Great Gatsby and "Winter Dreams" are both stories by F. Scott Fitzgerald. The Great Gatsby is told from Nick Carraway’s perspective. It is a novel about the love triangle of Daisy Buchanan, her husband, Tom Buchanan, and Nick’s neighbor, Jay Gatsby. "Winter Dreams" is a short story about Dexter Green and his obsession with Judy Jones, who has several men fighting over her. Dexter is motivated by Judy and the thought of being with her, to have materialistic success. Between the two stories, a similarity is the wealthy type of society, while a difference is the way that the couples reunite after not seeing each other, as well as the difference of the men's views of the women. In the two stories, the types of societies that the characters are a part of is similar. In both stories, the characters live in wealthy societies and are part of the high class. In each story, the idea of old money and new money is apparent as well. In The Great Gatsby, the characters live on Long Island, which includes East Egg and West Egg. Daisy and …show more content…

When Dexter meets Judy she is an outgoing, energetic girl. She has men chasing after her everywhere she goes. Eventually, she settles down and marries a man, named Lud Simms. He doesn’t treat her well and this influences her personality. Unlike her old self, Judy stays in the house, taking care of her kids and forgives her husband when he treats her badly. Dexter realizes that Judy is a different woman due to marriage and he chooses to accept that and move on with his life. “The dream was gone. Something had been taken from him… And her mouth damp to his kisses and her eyes plaintive with melancholy and her freshness like a new fine linen in the morning. Why, these things were no longer in the world! They had existed and they exist no longer” (Dreams 752). The way that the men feel about the women in their lives is different between the two

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