
Essay Comparing Night And We Were Lias

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The books Night by Elie Wiesel and We Were Liars both involve child protagonists. Both books have completely different storylines, but both children Cadence and Elie connect in a particular way, internally. The We Were Liars story takes place in 1987. Cadence, the main protagonist, is a 15-year-old girl living by the coast in Burlington, Vermont with her family. Elie from the book Night is a 13-year-old boy living during the Holocaust with his father through thick and thin. It is very visible through the way these books are written that these kids suffer greatly. For the majority, they didn’t choose to go through their issues. The traumatizing experiences that Elie and Cadence endured detrimented their mental state, completely altered their …show more content…

Elie endured so much mental damage at his young age that it made their mental state irreversible. Elie’s story is truly inspiring, having survived one of history’s most heartbreaking, detrimental, and antisemitic events in World History. Before he was imprisoned by the Nazis, Elie lived a very religious life. God was whom he would turn to in need, and the Holocaust altered that. The division between men and women forced Elie to stay by his father’s side for the next two years in brutal, unhumane conditions. “Bread, soup - these were my whole life. I was a body of a snare. Perhaps less than that: a starved stomach. The stomach alone was aware of the passage of time” (Wiesel 52). With this, Elie struggled with keeping any sort of faith in God. He wondered if God was truly by his side, why would He allow this much harm to Elie? It wasn’t until he experienced a near-death experience, almost forcing him to walk into a pit of burning flames, that Elie had a strong belief in God. However, something else questioned Elie. How can someone so young be pressurized to not only make an attempt to survive for himself, but also have the duty of making sure his father doesn't get murdered like the other millions

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