
Essay Comparing Hamlet And Vertigo

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When first comparing the story of Hamlet to Vertigo there doesn’t seem to be many plot points that tie the two together. However the way the leading men treat the women in their lives is one aspect that is evident similarly in both stories. Both Hamlet and Scottie are harsh to the women they seem to love or have loved.
In the story of Hamlet it is never evident of whether he had truly ever loved Ophelia. At the beginning of the play Ophelia clearly seems in love with Hamlet and maybe even hopeful that Hamlet feels the same. She tells both her brother and father of the times that Hamlet had declared his love for her and made promises of marriage. Yet during their first encounter during the play Hamlet is cold and condescending towards her, even telling her "Get thee to a nunnery." implying that he will never marry her. The next time Hamlet and Ophelia are together is at the play, during which Hamlet makes obscene and insulting jokes directed at her. Eventually Ophelia goes insane, after being treated so poorly by the man that she loves, and commits suicide. When Hamlet …show more content…

However his attitude is very different when he meets Judy. At first he acts like a gentleman towards her, but after some time tries to control her in every aspect. He is only happy with Judy after she has done everything to change her appearance to resemble Madeline. When Judy says “The trouble is, I'm gone now. For you. And I can't do anything about it. I want you to love me. If I let you change me, will that do it? If I do what you tell me, will you love me?” Scottie simply responds with a “Yes.” When Scottie finally realizes Judy was just impersonating Madeline he says that he once loved her and it’s no longer possible to bring the woman he once loved back. This causes Judy to jump out from the tower and kill

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