
Essay Comparing Ford And Hemingway

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By contrast, Richard Ford and Ernest Hemingway short stories present varied views of life. Through of imagery and contrast of traits, the philosophy of existentialism is illustrated. The two stories many have common ideologies and presentation. The two asserts that anxiety of being alone in the universe is a condition of life. (Sartre, 40) In Ford’s story, Steven Reeves was afraid of being alone. This fear led him to marrying Marjorie, even though the women called her a bimbo. Steven knew that she had a reputation of being inappropriately dressed, drinking, and flirting with men. Marjorie’s reputation did not stop Steven from marrying her. The fear of being alone led him to ignoring the facts and marrying her. It is interesting to see how, in a way the nurture finds a balance, in state existentialism and nihilism, views, and ideologies are converged by fate.
Similarly, in Hemingway’s story, the old man also had the fear of being alone. He went out every day to drink at the café. He had money so he could afford buying a bottle and drinking at home. The old man did not drink at home because it would have been lonely. He therefore spend most of …show more content…

The younger waiter has all the time in the world since he is young, confident, has a wife, and has a job. He is not sympathetic to the old man’s plight because he still has a lot of time in the world. The old man has conflicts with his own ‘life’, it has made him despair and lonely, doesn’t present any good. In Ford’s story, the conflict is between Steven and Marjorie. The solution of their conflict depends on how they give meaning to their lives. (Sartre, 115)Steven gives his life meaning by feeling superior to everyone else, and by having a job and a wife. His ego is therefore injured when Marjorie confesses of her affair with George. Steven envied George because of his success. Steven thus ended up hitting his wife, which is something he thought he never would

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