
Essay Compare And Contrast Jonathan Edwards And William Byrd

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An important part of Colonial American Religion were Jonathan Edwards and William Byrd. These men were people who changed the world through their own style. Jonathan Edwards had a more fierce personality while William Byrd had a more visionary personality. They were very similar but were also very different.
Jonathan Edwards was born on October 5, 1703 and died on March 22, 1758. He grew up in East Windsor, Connecticut. His father, Timothy, was pastor of the church at East Windsor, Connecticut. He attended Yale and when he graduated in 1720 he became his grandfather’s colleague at Northampton, Massachusetts. At his grandfather’s death in 1729, he became the only pastor at the church. Edwards was a very fierce minister. He tried to “scare people out of hell.” His most famous work, “Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God,” was about how the people are going to hell because they are sinning so much against God. Edward’s work sparked the “Great Awakening.” …show more content…

He grew up in vast wealth as his father, William Byrd, inherited large amounts of land in America from the king. His home county was Henrico County, Virginia. When his dad died, William Byrd inherited his father’s estate of 26,000 acres. When William Byrd was 7, he was sent to London for schooling. Byrd loved to write diaries and manuscripts. He is most well-known for these. One of his most famous pieces, “History of the Dividing Line,” is about the surveying of the border between the U.S. states of North Carolina and Virginia in 1728. William Byrd was a planter, surveyor, and

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