
Essay About Moving To America

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Throughout history, people have migrated to on country from the other with their family, friends, and by themselves. They use different ways of transportation based on how far they are traveling and how they like to travel. However, without a reason, nobody likes to run out of his/her own country. Some people do not like to emigrate from their country whatever happened they want to stay where they grew up. As time changed, there are a lot of teenagers dreaming about going to a new country. Nobody can conclude that they are not right or wrong. On the other hand, many people do not like to emigrate even when the country political condition is bad. Consequently, the three main reasons why people are afraid migrating from country to the other country is because missing family members, afraid of new culture and afraid of transportation system. (145) People are afraid emigrating from one country to the other because they fear to miss their family members. Today, many families are very closer. For this reason people do not like to live far away from their real family. A lot of people seem afraid to live by themselves especially who have grown in a big family with father, mother, …show more content…

Some people have difficulties of adapting a new environment. Without dividing age, believes, gender, and education level. Everybody has their own language, dressing style, celebration of holidays, funerals and weddings. For many people, it is very hard to ask them to move from their country to another because they think that joining the new environment will make them to forget their own culture. On the other hand, for many people, language is a big problem to emigrate. When people think to move to new country if they cannot speak or understand the country language that will be a big problem, so people are afraid to leave their home country.

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