I recently took the personality test for the first time. My results states that my personality is ENFJ, this stands for Extravert, Intiotive, Feeling, and Judging. Myers - Briggs personality survey describes ENFJ people have tremendous power in a way. When I mean tremendous power, I mean they are very strong in the inside and outside, they are very caring and very brave. ENFJ people refer to an “ open world ” Open world means they like enjoying the outside better than the inside. For example I don't like tight spaces or elevators, elevators are such tight spaces and you get trapped, then what ? Another thing about ENFJ is that they are very confident. For example, I want to be a Neurologist or Neurosurgeon when I grow up. Now before I first …show more content…
I asked my friends if they are ready for the Math final, some of them responded “ nobody studies for finals” that didn’t stop me, It turns out in my class, I was the one who got the highest on the final, my math teacher said that I crushed the test. Now since 7th grade, I am putting in the hard work. Myers Briggs personality test made me think, is this really my personality, Maybe I wasn't answering the questions honestly, Briggs Myers stated that ENFJ people can’t handle big projects, I disagree with that because I am doing this current English project and I’m loving it. For example I recently did a spanish project that was worth one hundred points, I loved that project even though it was challenging I still managed to get it done. ENFJ also states that they are unafraid to stand when something needs to be corrected or added. I somewhat agree to that because sometimes I add good things that I feel like is best for whatever we are doing. This also goes to critically thinking. ENFJ people love to think outside the box. For example if we have a problem or a dilemma, we love to think outside the box, how we can make it better even if itś the maximum best. They also see a big picture. Now there can be different meanings to that, when I read a book, automatically I see a picture in my head like a vision of what I just read. Now all these statements are true, but I have to think about this, what if this
ENFJ's tend to be more reserved about exposing themselves than other extraverted types. Although they may have strongly-felt beliefs, they're likely to refrain from expressing them if doing so would interfere with bringing out the best in others. Because their strongest interest lies in being a catalyst of change in other people, they're likely to interact with others on their own level, in a chameleon-like manner, rather than as individuals.
Persons with an opposite profile to those of ENTJ are the ISFPs . That is Introverted Sensing Feeling Perceiving. These personality types like my friend Jasper are very much in touch with reality and are less involved in fantasy. They are quiet, friendly, sensitive and kind. (Briggs n.d). A major difference in class for a Person like Jasper in comparison to ENTJ character types is that, while the ENTJs enjoy learning and continuously explore new things the ISFPs get easily bored are often likely to drop out of school. They do well mostly in experimental learning as opposed to theory. While the ENTJ is outgoing and likes solving conflict through debate, the ISFP often walks away from conflict and disagreements. At work the ISFP can be a gel
Personality assessments can serve as valuable tools to determine personality types, and subsequently allow us to understand certain behavior patterns. My own personality assessment revealed that I have an ENFJ personality type; I am an extrovert; have a preference of intuition over sensing; have a preference of feeling versus thinking; and have a preference of judging over perceiving (Jung, n.d.). The results of my assessment were quite revealing, mostly accurate, with room for interpretation. Real-time circumstances and the environment have a direct impact on my behavior. According to Revelle and Condon (2015) “People differ from themselves on a moment to moment basis in that they do not think, feel or act the same all the time. They change in their feelings, in their thoughts, in their desires and in their actions.”
According to personalitypage.com, “as an ENFP one’s primary mode of living is focused externally, where you take things in primarily
According to Myers Briggs Personality Type Indicator, my personality type is INTJ (Introverted, intuitive, thinker, judging). Some of the highlight light of an INTJ the that they are “vision oriented, quietly innovative, insightful, conceptual, logical. Seek to understand, critical decisive, independent, determinate, pursues competence and improvement”. After taking the test my score was the following Introverted 12%, intuitive 22%, thinking 1% and judgment 25%.I think that the test was pretty close to my personality because I do tend to be more on the introvert side although I can be very chatty when a topic interested me.
Hi Thomas great post. I agree the ENTJ have the drive for leadership and they will make the work is complete and are force on their career. One must keep in mind when operating a business the work reflect around a team of people. After I took the Myers-Briggs personality profile ESTJ, the result indicated I am an extravert person which perceive to focus involve organization of people. The personality trait can help with areas for improvement to increase your growth to become a leader who can teach, train and learn by setting the example for others.
Popular theories such as Myers Bridge personality type states that a high-performing team is comprised of both distinctly defined roles and a well-rounded collection of personality archetypes. In order to ensure a successful team, it is important to know more about the team member personalities and how the different personalities can be a useful tool building and leading a project team. After taking the personality test, my personality type was identified as ENFJ Extravert (26%) Intuitive (16%) Feeling (7%) and Judging (34%). Jasmine Pierce was also identified as a ENFJ Extravert (34%) Intuitive (3%) Feeling (28%) Judging (31%). ENFJ individual is expressed as extraverted feeling with introverted intuition. They are also best portrayed as
The INFJ personality is known to be the world rarest personality type and often misunderstood. This type stand for a percentage of less than 2% of the overall world population according to Holm (2009), the majority of that percentage being female and some famous INFJ that can be named are Nelson Mandela, Martin Luther King and Mother Teresa. My INFJ in academic and business milieu: from the past week assignment, my preferred four letters chosen base on the instructions received from Myers-Briggs type indicator were INFJ, which stands for Introverting, iNtuiting, Feeling and Judging. For this week assignment I was very surprise after taking the Jungian test to discover that my personality type fours letter were confirmed to be the same INFJ. Having my conformed INFJ profile means that in business milieu, my creativity and sense of responsibility come in first. Although as an INFJ I’m strongly introverted, I nevertheless highly care about my relationship with other individuals. At work I’m open to communication and always available when it comes to help colleagues to carry out on tasks or explaining work procedures. However, my personality type also implies that I can have sudden need for personal time away from others, which is my way to recharge and regain my energy. In an academic milieu, I’m more focus on setting and reaching my goals; I get motivated by planning in advance my studying weeks and do a lot of efforts to meet my assignment deadlines. I can get emotionally
In my work place I realize that that I love being in a leadership position. This gives me an opportunity to showcase my abilities to manage and supervise personnel in an organization to solving difficult problems, and enjoy understanding complex systems so that they can determine where improvement is possible. I thrive in an environment where innovation is encouraged, and where traditions are not held sacred. I believe in structure and order. When working with co-workers I expect us to be provided with clear and concise guidelines as to what is expected of our team and to formally be notified if any changes are to come. I’ve always been the type that appreciates a professional businesslike working atmosphere with loyalty and respect for all. I’m motivated and hardworking, and want to be recognized for my efforts with money, power, and prestige.
My Personality Profile results are ENTJ which is an acronym that translates to: Extraverted Intuitive Thinking Judging. The Myers Briggs personality test’s results summary begins with an illustration of the personality by explaining that an ENTJ would not have any interest in window seat on an airplane because they cannot control what they see. In contrast to the illustration, I always enjoy the window seat simply for the scenery. Next, the summary begins by stating people with this personality make-up have a tendency to marshal and direct. Though I may have examples of having this tendency, I don’t think it accurately sums up my personality. I do relate mostly to the explanation of how ENTJ make plans and are compelled to see these plans through though they only have importance to me. In conclusion I do relate to some of the findings in the overall summary, but not all.
I am an Extrovert, Sensing, Thinking, and Judging individual. To further describe my personality, ESTJ’s show traits of being open-minded, hard working, outspoken, and rational (ESTJ, 2017). Interestingly, the Myers Briggs test does a successful job of identifying my personality traits. Furthermore, as an ESTJ, I can be described as loyal, honest, organized and strong-willed. Yet ESTJ’s can also be described as stubborn, judgemental, and emotionally unavailable (ESTJ Strengths, 2017). Although I can fit a number of these traits like hard-working, organized and rational, in my eyes, the Myers Briggs only opens a small window of who I really am and what my personality is. In relation to the Johari Window, the MBTI only adds a small amount of information to the small window of what I actually
After completing the learning-styles inventories I discovered that I have a ENFP learning style. This meaning that I identify with being an extrovert, intuitive and perceiving individual who follows their feelings more strongly rather than following the logic behind the problem. According to the test I am defined as an individual who needs to complete a problem example or a test to solidify the material.
As humans beings we are always interested to understanding what makes us perform the way we do in our daily lives. The Meyers-Briggs personality type test gives us a glimpse into ourselves. This paper will discuss the different aspects of my personality profile of ENTJ (Extravert, iNtuitive, Thinking, Judging), plus the characteristics and validity of each personality type and its temperament; in my case is NT “The Rationals”, who love knowledge, ENTJ - "The Fieldmarshals". It will also discuss the strengths and how to utilize the weakness so they become strengths and can become part of my balanced life when dealing with peers, employees and management on an individual and group level. Needs work
I sat down and actually took the personality test with my best friend. She wanted to compare our personalities. Apparently, I have a protagonist ENFJ-T personality. The letters stand for extraversion, intuition, feeling, and judgement. Okay, I thought. So, I read up on it. My friend did not tell me what her personality was, but I can interpret how we connect because of who I am. Protagonists are natural-born leaders, full of passion and charisma. I thought to myself, hmm I am not so sure if that is what I think about myself. So, I did some more reading and then it made sense to me. It says that I am unafraid to stand up and speak when they feel something needs to be said and it is easy to communicate with others. Because of the intuitive trait I possess, I can connect my talking abilities to people with the ability to reach every mind and connect ideas together, which I think is really cool since I have never really noticed.
The Myers–Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) enables an individual to gain a deeper insight into their inherent personality traits. For some people, they have had prior knowledge or underlying assumptions about their personality, but this test provides clearer information about each of their identifiable traits. According to the MBTI in Human-metric personality test, my scores were 22% (E) extroverted thinking more than introverted, 9% (N) intuitive as oppose to sensing, 16% (T) thinking more than feeling, and 12% (J) judging as compared to perceiving. Thus, my personality type is ENFJ. The ENFJ personality group is described as a minority group that consists of natural-born leaders, and people filled with passion, and charisma for example, Barack Obama and Oprah Winfrey; they are notable members of this group, also known as the protagonists (16personalities, 2016). The protagonists apprehend pride in providing guidance for others to improve individually and to improve the community at large (16personalities, 2016). The protagonists find it naturally easy to communicate with others and excel at communicating with other people in person (16personalities, 2016).