
Escape Fire : The Fight For Rescue American Healthcare

Decent Essays

Escape Fire: The Fight To Rescue American Healthcare by Matthew Heineman and Susan Froemke addressed many issues seen in the American Healthcare system that have gone uncorrected for years. The importance of primary care physicians was noted and this view continued to make more and more sense as the film went on. The lifestyle choices that Americans are and have been making do not promote wellness and actually make the jobs of primary care physicians much more difficult. Also discussed in the film, was the severe issue of the overuse of narcotics in the military. The thought that alternative therapies can actually make a significant difference in people’s lives is to most people something that sounds completely insane. But, these therapies have been working for those that need them most. What truly impacted me during the film was how interconnected all of our problems in the American healthcare system are. The fixes seem to be possible and not as difficult as some would have others believe. After seeing this film I feel that I have gained a new respect and understanding of the system that I will be a part of in the not too distant future. According to the film, primary care physicians are so important because they are supposed to make sure that patients do not get sick and that they have the tools to maintain health. However, as Dr. Martin made so clear in each appearance in the film, many primary care physicians do not have the luxury of affording the sufficient amount of

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