
Error Analysis : The Field Of Second Language Acquisition Research

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Error Analysis is one of the major topics in the field of second language acquisition research. Errors are an integral part of language learning. The learner of English as a second language is unaware of the existence of the particular system or rule in English language. The learner 's errors have long been interested for second and foreign language researchers. The basic task of error analysis is to describe how learning occurs by examining the learner 's output and this includes his/her correct and incorrect utterances. There are two major approaches to the study of learner 's errors, namely contrastive analysis and error analysis. Error analysis cannot be studied properly without touching upon the notion of contrastive analysis. Contrastive analysis and error analysis have been commonly recognized as branches of Applied Linguistic Science.


The term applied linguistics seems to have originated in the United States in the 1940‟s. The creation of applied linguistics as a discipline represents an effort to find practical applications for modern scientific linguistics (Mackey, 1965). Applied Linguistics is often said to be concerned with solving or at least ameliorating social problems involving language. “Applied Linguistics is using what we know about (a) language, (b) how it is learned, and (c) how it is used, in order to achieve some purpose or solve some problems in the real world” (Schmitt and Celce-Murcia 2002, p.l). Contrastive Analysis and Error

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