
Erikson Psychosocial Stages

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Erikson’s first psychosocial stage is Trust vs Mistrust, this occurs during the first 18 months or so of infancy. During this stage the infant look towards their providers for the stability and consistency. Success in this first stage will lead to the sense of trust, whereas the failure at this stage will lead the infant to develop a sense of mistrust, and may carry this mistrust the other relationships (McLeod, 2013). For example, a sense of trust can develop between a care provide during feeding and comforting during times of need. The second stage of Erikson theory is Autonomy vs Shame/Doubt, this occurs between the 18 months and 3 years of age. During this stage the child is being to their independence by discovering their own skills and abilities. Success in this stage, children will become more independent and develop more self-confidents in their abilities. However, failure may lead the child to have feeling of being inadequate. During this stage, parents can be supportive and patience …show more content…

At this stage in a child development, their peers will a greater influence on them and will become a major source of their self-esteem. The child need to get the approval by achieving their goals that, they believed are valued by society continues to grow and they begin to develop a sense of pride in their accomplishments. In stage if children are encourage reinforcing their initiative stage, they will begin to feel industrious and feel more confident in their own abilities to reach goals that they have set. However, is a child initiative stage is not encourage and is restrictive by either parents or teachers the child will begin to develop feeling of being inferior and begin to doubt their own abilities, this will cause them not to reach their full potential. During this stage parents and teacher should show support on the child accomplishments (McLeod,

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