
Equality In Paul Brugman's 'Confronting Equality'

Decent Essays

Many in America today like the idea of equality. We want people to have the same opportunities as everyone else has. Paul Brugman in "Confronting Equality," argues on the side of equality. He points to three areas where changes is needed in order for equality to exist. He states that children with wealthy parents have more opportunities than those with poor parents. He believes that if the rich are taxed at a higher rate than the poor, than that money can be used to put both poor and rich children on an equal playing field and will offer both similar opportunities. Brugman also pushes for universal health care. If the poor do not have to pay for a doctor's bill then they will not use all of their money caring for the health of their children. Brugman also believes that the government should raise minimum wage. By raising the minimum wage, those who are struggling financially would be able to work only one job while living a moderate lifestyle. Even though these idea sound great, they are actually inequitable. No one should not have to pay higher taxes because they make more money. Many people often live a financially unstable life that causes them to remain in poverty, while those who have more money are often more careful with what they have. Rather than universal health care, it would be better if doctors' offices were privately owned, and everyone paid for his or her own medical bills. Raising the minimum wage sounds good but would have a negative affect on non

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